Show HN: I made an UI for AutoHotkey using Python


6 points | by Fajar_Rahmad 14 hours ago ago


  • Fajar_Rahmad 10 hours ago ago

    I am sorry, looks like the link just go to 'Other Utilities & Resources'. Here is the link to the post:

  • al_borland 5 hours ago ago

    Pretty cool project. I made something like this years ago, but didn’t carry the vision quite as far, and mine was all native AHK.

    I had written scripts at work that were useful and wanted to share. To lower the learning curve I made a GUI, allowed for user defined shortcuts in the GUI, setting their path to various integrated apps, and a quick toggle for help that would show all their defined hotkeys and what they did. I made an attempt to allow users to dynamically load additional scripts, but it only worked if running AHK and a script file, and I wanted to distribute it to the team as an exe, which broke the dynamic loading of a secondary file, but most people weren’t going to do that anyway.

    I’ve since moved to macOS at work, and miss my old AHK scripts. It was so handy. I found a couple ways I might be able to replicate some of it without insane effort, but my work is less repetitive than it used to be, so it doesn’t seem as worth it.