• theshrike79 7 hours ago ago

    What does "Open Source" do for graphical assets like icons?

    I'm more interested in the license, how can I use them, are you using a Creative Commons derivative or a custom license?


       > You are prohibited from the following uses:
       > - Distributing or publishing the Item or its assets online.
       > - Placing Item design files into an End Product as-is.
    So can I put these on a web page or not? How about an executable application?
    • praveenjuge 7 hours ago ago

      The mynaui.com/legal is for a separate product, not the Icons.

      MynaUI Icons is MIT Licensed: https://github.com/praveenjuge/mynaui-icons/blob/main/LICENS...

      I will fix this miscommunication shortly!

    • jiehong 7 hours ago ago

      Do open source licences apply to SVGs? They are technically icon written in code.

      I may be a bit naive, as it just occurred to me.

      • freetonik 7 hours ago ago

        Interesting question. I mean, one can claim that .png files are also written in code?..

        • echoangle 7 hours ago ago

          A png is about as much code as a compiled binary. They aren’t code, they might be the result of some code being compiled, but open source licenses normally define the source as the format most useful for editing, which probably is the input that a png icon is generated from, not the png itself.

          • freetonik 7 hours ago ago

            OK sure, bad example. A Photoshop .psd file then.

            • alfredgg 6 hours ago ago

              I am not entirely familiar with the .psd format. However, a rule of thumb is that if you can open an image file in a text editor, see readable code, and modifying the code affects the image, then the image is definitely written in code.

              • ffsm8 5 hours ago ago

                TIL that Excel saves files as source code, as xlsx is XML

                • echoangle 2 hours ago ago

                  Is that supposed to be sarcastic? If a HTML source counts as „source code“, the excel file should count, too, right?

                  • ffsm8 28 minutes ago ago

                    It just depends on the way the file is actually is in practice.

                    For xslx you basically get a XML file with a single tag, which then contains the whole content as a binary blob, stored in an attribute.

                    Just like you can make an svt that is essentially a single path tag with hundreds of numbers in a single attribute

                    And for the record, you can also do a single html tag with a gigantic inline blob binary. Calling that source code is just at best technically correct, because it practically isn't

  • jaustin 7 hours ago ago

    These look really nice, thanks for sharing.

    Out of curiosity, were you setting out to create something new for stylistic reasons? Or licensing? For the fun of it? From a distance I'm trying to distinguish this from something like remix icons https://remixicon.com

    Do you plan to keep adding more icons? How will these relate to the MynaUI Pro plan in the long run?

    • praveenjuge 7 hours ago ago

      Thanks! Glad you like it!

      A few years ago, I started learning icon design and began a private collection, which eventually turned into this.

      I build a lot of websites and design custom icons for them, so having my own icon pack seemed to make the most sense.

      Yes, I plan to make more icons, already have dozens in the backlog.

      This icon pack complements MynaUI Pro itself. As I add more components to it, I'll include more relevant icons here.

  • wvbdmp 6 hours ago ago

    Very nice, thank you! I see you have a checked bell icon, which I was missing from my usual go-to https://phosphoricons.com the other day. Definitely want to try these!

    Might I suggest giving the icons some more breathing room? Phosphor shows 7 icons per row with a lot more whitespace. Your longer rows (12 icons) seem a bit hard to scan.

    • praveenjuge 6 hours ago ago

      Glad you like it! Phosphor Icons is my fav too!

      Will reduce the icons grid to make it easier to scan, thanks for the idea!

  • asah 7 hours ago ago

    My challenge with icon sets, is what happens when I need something beyond the set? Maybe try a multi model LLM and give it the examples?

    • dspillett 7 hours ago ago

      What do you do without the set? Draw your own, or mash a couple of the existing ones together, in your preferred editor.

      I keep thinking of making my own set of icons that are composable. I see a lot of sets where there are individual icons for “folder”, “folder with +”, “folder with -”, “folder with gear”, and so on, sometimes both with the added in internal space or an overlay to the bottom right, with each being separately designed. It strikes me that defining folder, +, -, <gar>, … then being able to ask for folder-with-gear-inside or <anything>-with-small-<anything>-overlaying-bottom-right. You wouldn't want it all don dynamically of course, so some heavy caching or compiling to a sprite-set would be needed for efficiency.

    • praveenjuge 7 hours ago ago

      You can request icons here: https://github.com/praveenjuge/mynaui-icons/issues/new/choos...

      But I do wonder if LLM can create SVG icons if we give it some good samples

  • HexDecOctBin 7 hours ago ago

        You are prohibited from the following uses:
            - Creating competing templates, UI kits, libraries, frameworks, or similar products using the Item.
    This is really strange. Who would use icon sets if not GUI libraries? Is it some web-ism that desktop app developers are too old fashioned to understand?
    • praveenjuge 7 hours ago ago

      Sorry for the confusion, that License is for mynaui.com which is a set of UI components.

      MynaUI Icons is MIT Licensed: https://github.com/praveenjuge/mynaui-icons/blob/main/LICENS...

      • HexDecOctBin 7 hours ago ago

        I see, thanks. I am working on a GUI library for 3D content, might use these since they look easily to convert to an SDF for quick scaling.

        • praveenjuge 7 hours ago ago

          Great, let me know if you have any icon requests!

    • onion2k 7 hours ago ago

      I imagine this means you can use individual icons in your app as you see fit, but you can't just embed the whole lot in a competing UI library.

  • mjomaa 7 hours ago ago

    I like that there is also a solid option. Makes it easy to show a selected menu item state.

    • praveenjuge 7 hours ago ago

      Thanks, exactly my thoughts too!

  • creativenolo 7 hours ago ago

    I’d love it if the browser had the ability to suggest similar icons. I used an internal library that had this and it was super useful and often led to a better visual to express an idea.

  • tigerlily 7 hours ago ago

    Hmm, could do with a brand-mastodon, and hey as I think about it why not a brand-hn? (Is hn even a brand? Idk... there's the Y logo?)

  • willguest 6 hours ago ago

    Really nice collection. I will definitely have use for these. I like that they walk the line between square and bubbly

    • praveenjuge 6 hours ago ago

      Thanks, that's exactly my thoughts too while designing!

  • freetonik 7 hours ago ago

    Very nice, thank you. Having an option to quickly get SVG is fantastic.

  • IWeldMelons 7 hours ago ago

    Looks similar to KDE icons. Minimalistic should scale very well.

  • onefiveone 7 hours ago ago

    open up devtools, scroll to the bottom of the page and...

    1229 requests

    2.8 MB transferred

    • praveenjuge 7 hours ago ago

      Thanks for letting me know, looks like NextJS is prefetching all the icon pages, will turn it off!

    • praveenjuge 7 hours ago ago

      Fixed it, there shouldn't be that much requests now!

  • subhashp 7 hours ago ago


  • lovegrenoble 7 hours ago ago

    So clean, thank you

  • arketyp 7 hours ago ago

    I may be old school but to me calling your own work beautiful comes across as pompous. Or "beautiful" is somehow a style now which irritates me as well. Sorry. They do look nice though.

    • 13hunteo 6 hours ago ago

      You have to back your own product, and people will notice if you don't.

      Consider the alternatives: the most popular icon set is called Font Awesome

    • praveenjuge 7 hours ago ago

      I didn't even think like that, I'll rethink about the wording more.

      Glad you like it though.