I don't want your AI


36 points | by inferense 15 hours ago ago


  • danparsonson 13 hours ago ago

    I thought it was ironic that this reads as if it were written by an LLM until I noticed the email address at the bottom. You don't want their AI but maybe they should want yours?

  • kachapopopow 13 hours ago ago

    This is a troll right? The email of this author is callstack.ai.

    • gerdesj 12 hours ago ago

      Is this a human getting their nickers in a twist and being human or something generated from a corpus and a squandering of resources:

      "No one cares about the technology used when making a buying decision a product unless it represents a very specific benefit or a risk. Yet, the AI hive managed to sway many into this herd thinking of building products."

      The first sentence lacks a word, which could be a simple mistak: " ... decision [about] a product... " and the second sentence seems to lack the word mind - "hive mind" is a thing but an AI hive just sounds odd and I think writing that would actually feel odd too. OK fine, perhaps it's late and another word went walkies whilst scribbling away on the keyboard faster than the speed of thought but then we get "herd thinking" which breaks new ground whilst sounding vaguely familiar.

      It's either a demo or the writer lives in Blandsville and wrote this piece on Blandsday.

    • drdaeman 13 hours ago ago

      Rather than a troll post, it feels more like a marketing spiel by using vagueness of "AI" buzzword to me. "AI" is vague, so they're taking an example of a minimum-effort integration of a basic LLM API with their project (which they deliberately try to not call an "AI" project here, but which is marketed as "AI" everywhere else) that at least bothers with embeddings (so it's "engineering" and not "just" an "AI").

      Could be a troll marketing too - marketing and ethics are rarely seen together in the same room. Any publicity is a good publicity, controversy brings backlinks.

      Or maybe I'm just too paranoid. Those days I'm spotting those engagement patterns way too frequently I'm not even sure if it's deliberate or if I'm just making it up and need a tinfoil hat...

  • snihalani 13 hours ago ago

    I wanted to take a moment to thank the rightful ideators for this amazing engineering feat

  • shove 13 hours ago ago

    My what an uncharacteristicly quiet comments section.

  • 13 hours ago ago