I Hate VC's

15 points | by robomartin 14 hours ago ago


  • anonzzzies 7 hours ago ago

    I have a similar experience, but I notice the age and single founder is getting better, at least in some regions. Now that VCs want ROI instead of an eternal money pit, some are now looking for experienced founders with some silver hairs. But it still sucks finding annd engaging with them and going through these crappy motions.

  • readyplayernull 12 hours ago ago

    Cool list. This seems to be your stigma:

    Single founder discrimination

    Do like japanese do and get fake companions. I'd hire actors.

    If you are still around it means you have been successful, as in haven't been crushed yet. You still haven't suffered bad partners or vultures.

    • robomartin 10 hours ago ago

      Here's the interesting part of this. I do have what I will call potential co-founders identified and ready to go on this. The reason I cannot present them or list them on applications, decks or documents is that they have jobs and cannot risk becoming publicly visible until we can bring them onboard.

      One of the realities of older entrepreneurs is that we have greater responsibilities and constraints in life, often going beyond ourselves, to include family, kids, etc.

      In all cases I was careful to make this very clear and discuss the fact that there are two cofounders ready to go as soon as we get funded. And, in fact, in a couple of meetings I went as far as introducing them, talking about where they work, what they do and how they will contribute --without it being put down on paper or in any form that could be shared out of my control.

      Regarding single founder. Well, I founded and self-funded a company out of my garage and got it to the point where we got acquisition offers from a highly recognized, internationally known company for tens of millions of dollars. I understand precisely how difficult it is to be a single founder. I also understand how it is almost impossible for a 20-something fresh out of school to endure the sheer torture entrepreneurship can be. I get it. I also understand that saying "single founder" does not at all tell the full story, just like not everyone who studied physics can be Elon Musk.

  • fuzzfactor 13 hours ago ago

    Just a guess but VC's probably only dislike you slightly, and that could change.

    • robomartin 13 hours ago ago

      Not sure what you mean by that.

  • krak12 13 hours ago ago
