The American economy has left other rich countries in the dust


10 points | by ironyman 11 hours ago ago


  • forgetfreeman 11 hours ago ago

    An incomplete list of things the US economy has left in the dust:

    - other rich countries

    - it's own rural communities

    - farmers specifically

    - valuations based on reality

    - fact-based media anything

    - quality heathcare as a concept

    - the environment

    - actual governance

    • jschveibinz 10 hours ago ago

      This is an opinion. Do you have supporting data for anything other than perhaps environmental matters which are global in scale? This is HN, not Reddit.

      • forgetfreeman 9 hours ago ago

        It isn't a matter of opinion. Any graph showing farmer suicide rates charted over time should get you started if you feel the need to fact check my claims. You can follow up with comparisons of healthcare outcomes between industrialized nations, a comparison of median rural household income vs gdp, etc. It takes maybe 15 minutes, do your own homework.

  • ironyman 11 hours ago ago
