• use_dea 8 hours ago ago

    AI will not affect jobs requiring more emotional intelligence - doctors, artists, and therapists. As somebody said earlier - it requires compassion and empathy, and AI cannot genuinely feel it, as it lacks true emotions and consciousness. Also, jobs that require physical skills, like firefighters or plumbers.

  • 3np 10 hours ago ago



    Head of legal.

  • orionblastar 12 hours ago ago

    AI will not replace nursing, as AI lacks compassion and empathy for patients. As the Baby Boomers retire and get sick for nursing homes and hospitals there will always be jobs for Nurses and Doctors.

    • seanmcdirmid 11 hours ago ago

      There will always be jobs for nurses and doctors, but there will probably not be enough nurses and doctors for those jobs. It will keep getting worse, the shortages aren’t going to let up, and automation or shipping them to cheaper countries are literally the only viable solutions.

    • Ekaros 11 hours ago ago

      But can't we just use AI voices and LLMs for that? Context window isn't even proper as many won't remember far enough to past.

    • bibinmohan 11 hours ago ago

      Yeah, you are right. Compassion and empathy is truly something, which can't be replaced in 10 years by a machine. (who knows)

      • Juliate 10 hours ago ago

        Compassion or empathy requires relatedness and co-experience. That is, it requires a self. If it has a self, it's not a machine anymore.