WordPress Accessibility Team Meetings Suspended


75 points | by ankleturtle 13 hours ago ago


  • bbertucc 33 minutes ago ago

    I’m part of the WordPress Accessibility team and I’m still working on accessibility today.

  • lelandfe 12 hours ago ago

    Of the two member team:

    > One person is not certain whether they can safely check the WP Engine box, and one person has been removed from Slack, and is also unwilling to check the WP Engine box

    Context: https://login.wordpress.org

    Más context: https://wptavern.com/wordpress-org-login-gets-mandatory-affi...

  • Loughla 12 hours ago ago

    Is this something we should've seen coming, as in, is this part of some kind of institutional move they had forecasted?

    Because not working on accessibility seems like a really bad idea. People really like to sue about these kinds of things, and accessibility is very important for many users (like me!).

    • unsnap_biceps 12 hours ago ago

      Personally I doubt that Matt cared about any of this when the checkbox went into effect. My guess is he will throw money at it and hire someone to take over.

    • joelanman 7 hours ago ago

      This is a long running pattern for Matt:

      "To Matt Mullenweg I want to say: please take better care of your community, because WordPress is nothing without it. Cherish the people who dedicate their (own) time and who work very hard to make WordPress the best it can be. Don’t ignore or make fun of them, but talk to them, guide them, inform them. Don’t be disconnected from the community, be part of it."


  • fijiaarone 12 hours ago ago

    Automattic is hurting financial. That is why they asked employees to take severance and why they are lashing out at their competition.

    • frankacter 11 hours ago ago

      >Automattic is hurting financial.

      What are you basing this off of?

      "In 2024, Automattic's revenue reached $710M up from $580.2M in 2022. The company previously reported $580.2M in 2022, $418.3M in 2021. They do this with a small 2k team."

      • 4 hours ago ago
    • tiffanyh 12 hours ago ago
    • mplewis 12 hours ago ago

      Automattic needing more money explains all of Matt M's moves.

      • andrewflnr 12 hours ago ago

        Does it? I mean, it explains the desperate attempts at getting more money, but it doesn't fully explain his hamfisted execution. There are smarter ways to go about extorting your competitors.

        • bubblesnort 10 hours ago ago

          Everyone can experience mania at some point in their life. Anything can happen because the brain works differently.

          idk, perhaps he should see a shrink.

  • SG- 11 hours ago ago

    I'm sure that matt guy will just appoint himself or some random people to it.