Museum Workers Rescued from Trash Artworks Mechanic Mistook for Garbage


1 points | by rntn 15 hours ago ago


  • serf 15 hours ago ago

    > Museum Workers Rescued from Trash Artworks Mechanic Mistook for Garbage

    source headline is a whole lot less awkward reading than the headline used here.

    (my opinion, of course.)

    • AStonesThrow 15 hours ago ago

      Garden Path Sentence

      My Garden Path hot take: such headlines may actually be effective clickbait, because they're so ambiguous and intriguing that I simply must find out how to parse them!

      The xkcd example is a great reminder of the weirdness of legal proceedings. A court can overturn an injuction to stay an appeal of an order to prohibit the stoppage of some action, and it's usually up to us to untangle the twisted path that took, and figure out whether the current state of things is temporary, or permanent, or negative or positive!

  • dekhn 15 hours ago ago

    The minimal improvement would be to word the title as: Museum Workers Rescued Artworks Mechanic Mistook for Garbage from Trash