Mystery drones swarm US Military base


26 points | by jseip 14 hours ago ago


  • diwank 13 hours ago ago

    Title should be changed from UFOs to drones (which is the actual title of the article)

  • fyrn_ 13 hours ago ago

    We can't leagally shoot down drones flying over military bases? Can really tell that law was written before the Ukraine war..

    • simmerup 13 hours ago ago

      Not only that, but the article alleges that they couldn't catch the drones either

      Begs belief, some information must be getting caught by a classification here

      • technothrasher 13 hours ago ago

        > Begs belief

        I believe the term you were looking for is "beggars belief".

    • HarHarVeryFunny 13 hours ago ago

      Does seem a bizarre restriction. I assume this is restricted airspace. Anything unpiloted should be fair game to be shot down.

  • sudoaptinstall 13 hours ago ago
  • shadowpho 13 hours ago ago

    Likely China… they have the interest in finding out, interest in probing and large technology in drones

    • pphysch 12 hours ago ago

      It's vastly more likely that it was a classified US military-intelligence operation/test than a foreign actor operating freely in deepest CIA territory.

      But threat inflation = bigger budgets.

      • krapp 8 hours ago ago

        I don't think the American military industrial complex needs to resort to goofy tricks like this to get money.

        • mcphage 6 hours ago ago

          From the government as a whole? No. But for some specific department to get funding over others? Yeah, probably that sort of jockeying for funds happens all the time.

          • krapp 4 hours ago ago

            Even then, I don't think they would need to create a fleet of drones to buzz around military bases to scare up a pretext for more funding. That's comic book logic.

  • 10 hours ago ago
  • netsharc 13 hours ago ago

    The archive link has the title "Mystery Drones...". Where does the "UFOs" come, an old title, or OP editorializing?

    Sadly "UFO", although maybe factually correct (an object which flies and is unidentifiable), attracts the attention of the loud and uneducated, who believe alien civilizations visit this planet, and confirmation biases themselves into the faith.

    • HarHarVeryFunny 13 hours ago ago

      If it's a drone, then it's not unidentified - it's a drone. Do we need make/model and owner to call it identified? Maybe birds should be called UFOs too, unless we can identify the species?

    • iwaztomack 13 hours ago ago

      There's a conspiracy among techies growing like ivy: that UFO == aliens, and that the US gov't is in cahoots, or being attacked by them. It's SO weird to see this spread among self-described critical thinkers. Probably why the change.

  • OutOfHere 10 hours ago ago

    In a real war, these drones would be causing explosions when they hit their target.

    The US has EMF technology to remotely take down an entire swarm of drones approaching the base. It doesn't make sense to not use it.

    • gremlinsinc 8 hours ago ago

      yeah it does because EMF could take out a lot more than just the drones including airplanes that are flying commercial paths up higher, or cell towers, etc.