ClassicPress – The CMS for Creators


31 points | by dotcoma 14 hours ago ago


  • JodieBenitez 13 hours ago ago

    "ClassicPress is a community-led open source content management system for creators. It is a fork of WordPress 6.2 that preserves the TinyMCE classic editor as the default option. It is half the size of WordPress, contains less bloat improving performance, and has no block editor (Gutenberg/Full Site Editing)."

  • mkristiansen 13 hours ago ago

    "Error establishing a database connection" ... Have you considered caching?

    • fimdomeio 13 hours ago ago

      there's nothing more classic than this.

  • indigodaddy 13 hours ago ago


  • maxique 13 hours ago ago
  • supermatt 13 hours ago ago

    "Error establishing a database connection". Yep, definitely a fork of wordpress /s

    • wrs 13 hours ago ago

      Well, what could be more “classic WordPress” than this message?

    • xz18r 13 hours ago ago

      Are you _the_ matt?

      • supermatt 13 hours ago ago

        I am not matt mullenweg if thats what you are asking. I think his account is photomatt

        • xz18r 13 hours ago ago

          Gotcha, thanks for clarifying! Also, LOL @ the error indeed...

    • JodieBenitez 13 hours ago ago

      And proving once again SSGs are more resilient.