• k310 9 hours ago ago

    From the article:


         Developers will continue to play a crucial part, but in a transformed capacity. Their deep knowledge will be leveraged not just to build, but to refine, optimize, and maintain AI-generated software. The need for oversight and quality assurance remains high; AI may generate code, but it is humans who ensure it aligns with the broader purpose, ethical standards, and security protocols.
         The rise of Citizen Coders does not eliminate the need for complex software development - a field where sophisticated systems and innovative technology play pivotal roles that AI alone won’t be able to handle soon. Instead, it allows for a redistribution of creative resources, empowering those who have the ideas but not the coding skills to take part in the creation process.
    end quote

    So, IMO, this says that there is increasing need for code testing, verification and security audit of what the black box put out, which requires a great deal of skill, and don't tell me that this job needs to be handed off to AI.

    Further, it says that the architects of solutions can be coders, when in fact, serious software often consists of multiple pieces that work together, and which can benefit from optimization. Witness the analyst who sped up code enormously by replacing one SQL statement. IMO, analyzing "someone else's code", in this case your Chatbot's production is almost as daunting as writing your own. And who's to say that the next prompt might generate something quite different, adding to the "post-processing"

    • salawat 9 hours ago ago

      Boy, somebody should tell this person they've got it all wrong. Quality Assurance is so 10 years ago. They just have AI or stupid devs do it themselves now.

  • fmfamaral 11 hours ago ago

    Software creation is no longer confined to trained developers; it's open to everyone. This new era of "citizen coders" will democratize innovation and empower people from all walks of life to build their own digital tools.

    • xtrapol8 10 hours ago ago

      “Trained developers” huh? I think this is the spin of the wheel, or a sign that software development culture is indeed an ouroboros.

  • bediger4000 10 hours ago ago

    When was "confined to trained developers" true? Heck, part of the internal to Bell Labs pitch for Unix was that everyone could shell script.

    Home computers in the 80s democratized programming 40 years ago. Human readable HTML and HTTP 0.9 - 1.1 are widely created with the WWW explosion.