Using drones to terrorize a city [video]


76 points | by tomohawk 18 hours ago ago


  • encomiast 17 hours ago ago

    Not sure the first-person, movie-trailer-style, "I'm going to make a run for it" while dramatic music plays is really the right way to report this.

    • squarefoot 14 hours ago ago

      100% agree. I'm all for reporting what people in Ukraine (and Palestine/Lebanon) are suffering now, but making a show out of that is not the way. That is not a movie, people are actually dying there.

    • grimpy 16 hours ago ago

      Yeah, I get that this aesthetic is how a lot of people consume media these days, but the aesthetics combined with the subject matter is repulsive.

  • wrs 17 hours ago ago

    Typically you can argue about classifying something as “state-sponsored terrorism”, but this is just about the clearest example I could imagine.

    • squarefoot 14 hours ago ago

      “Terrorism is the war of the poor, and war is the terrorism of the rich.” - Peter Ustinov.

      • pajeets 14 hours ago ago

        I don't know who said this quote but "one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter" also rings true

        • type0 12 hours ago ago

          one man's terrorist is another man's war criminal

          • pajeets 11 hours ago ago

            also relevant: "history is written by the victor" is especially relevant in understanding the Israeli/Palestine crisis.

            In the Palestine Mandate, Jews and Palestinians got along just fine. That all changed once the ideology that the land belonged to Jews began to make rounds following the conclusion of WW2 and awful events like Holocaust gave rise.

            It would've been fine if the creation of Israel happened peacefully but its egregiously ignorant to assume the other co-habitants who assumed control much of the land previously would excuse themselves especially when the earliest attempts were violent. It's not clear who fired the first shot in the Palestine/Israeli conflict but its important that those who write the history are essentially the voice of those that won WW2.

            Had Hitler won WW2, we would absolutely learn how bad one group was and why their extermination was justified. Then as economic prosperity set in, and wealth gap begins to naturally arise as well as freedom of expression, egalitarian ideology quickly spreads. Today's generation that argues that all humans are born equal and a blank slate would be defined as extremist ideology and a President who promotes that belief would be labelled a bigot, racist, and smeared 24/7 by the establishment that descended from the winning ideology.

            Eventually the political spectrum shifts back to the center violently and proliferation of information via various technological mediums takes foothold, the waters become murkier and the victor's version of history begins to become shaky until it feels threatened enough to launch a purge of its ideology once and for all and those that resist it to become embroiled in a prolonged civil conflict.

            This gives rise to a future where reality is so remarkably different than what we have, rather people hold a Bayesian model of reality one which is measured by statistics backed by groups of facts from both sides of the political fence. This ultimately results in a much more peaceful and less quarrelsome society one which can finally give path to true enlightenment, raising of the collective human consciousness so that we become interstellar species exactly like what we were supposed to do.

          • jedimind 11 hours ago ago

            one man's terrorist is another man's subject of idol worship.


  • Synaesthesia 16 hours ago ago

    This happens in Gaza on a massive scale, killing people with drones with mounted guns, or missiles.

    • squarefoot 15 hours ago ago

      To add some data about the situation in Middle East, just two days ago Israeli forces fired against the UNIFIL (UN) peacekeeping forces in Lebanon.

      Hopefully the following (UN, BBC) are considered reliable enough sources.

      • spwa4 14 hours ago ago

        IDF response:

        'The IDF said that Friday’s firing at a UNIFIL post took place as its forces were operating against an “immediate threat against them.” It said it was examining the circumstances of the incident but blamed Hezbollah for deliberately operating near such posts.'

    • g8oz 15 hours ago ago

      Not sure why you were down as voted as this has been widely documented.

      • boxed 15 hours ago ago

        That site doesn't seem very believable. Do you have some other reference?

      • vlovich123 15 hours ago ago


      • HL33tibCe7 15 hours ago ago

        Any anti-Israel post or comment on this site, no matter how mild, gets downvoted and/or flagged very quickly. If this exact post was a video taken in Gaza, it would never have even reached the front page.

        • reducesuffering 15 hours ago ago

          Easily untrue when you have posts like this at 1400 points and comments:

          On the front page for 13 hours:

          • jedimind 15 hours ago ago

            He's correct and you referencing a single article that is 6 months old, 1 of thousands that survived the flagging by brigading zionists, is not any sufficient evidence to the contrary.

            One can easily see how many Gaza related articles get immediately flagged and removed here

            • reducesuffering 14 hours ago ago

              "He's correct" when I just gave a counterfactual showing "any anti-Israel post" is false?

              There have been many very prominent posts:






              How many more do you need? Your bias is showing, same as when different people simultaneously complain that HN is "too left" or "too right."

              • jedimind 12 hours ago ago

                > How many more do you need? Your bias is showing, same as when different people simultaneously complain that HN is "too left" or "too right."

                Your reliance on a handful of outdated posts is statistically insignificant when trying to deny the clear trend of Zionist brigading over the past 12 months. Through the , we can track the data and see a clear pattern of brigading when it comes to anything that's remotely critical of Israel. And even those which you listed survived mass false flagging attempts.

                How could five articles, all older than 5-6 months, ever be statistically significant against the backdrop of thousands of such articles being mass flagged by zionists EACH month? Ignoring this overwhelming evidence of coordinated downvoting and flagging only highlights your own bias.

                • reducesuffering 9 hours ago ago

                  Have you even read what the GitHub project is doing? It’s trivial what’s flawed with it within a few minutes, starting with the assumption that stories shouldn't drop suddenly in a minute even though they’ve been told that there’s an 18 hour derank timer!

                  “Overwhelming evidence”…

                  Regardless, duh contentious issues get flagged and downranked more often. Large swathes of HN don’t want to see politics or flame wars here, pro-Israel or anti-Israel. If you’ve ever flagged a pro-Israel post, you’re doing the exact same thing that people would accuse this place of burying any pro-Israel post.

                  Here’s an idea, do an HN search for Gaza and Israel and run the numbers on how many major posts are critical or supportive of Israel? Surely if there’s so few major anti-Israel posts because of brigading, there should be many more pro-Israel, according to your flawed perspective?

                  • jedimind 9 hours ago ago

                    >Have you even read what the GitHub project is doing? It’s trivial what’s flawed with it within a few minutes, starting with the assumption that stories don’t drop suddenly in a minute even though they’ve been told that there’s an 18 hour derank timer!

                    I've read exactly what it's doing and it's only a fraction of the data-source for that observation. Many people, including myself, observed that zionist brigrading pattern for the past 12 months. Even harmless stuff from what's mildly critical of israel gets immediately flagged, so much so that one can hover over the post expecting it to get flagged so one can immediately vouch for it - so it doesnt lose traction - but even after many people vouch for it, the zionist flagging brigade often comes back to kill it or just stifle its traction and yank it from the front page. The latter is especially successful since it is invisible censorship that helps them maintain plausible deniability, you can claim that the article hasn't been censored since it's sill up but the end-result is the same i.e. diminished visibility away from the front page.

                    >Regardless, duh contentious issues get flagged and downranked more often. Large swathes of HN don’t want to see politics or flame wars here, pro-Israel or anti-Israel. If you’ve ever flagged a pro-Israel post, you’re doing the exact same thing that people would accuse this place of burying any pro-Israel post.

                    It's not just "contentious" stuff, ANYTHING even mildly critical of israel gets mass false flagged by zionists brigading HN. While writing this reply I've also realized that, lo and behold, you unironically share ADL and IDF propaganda as if it were factual, you're a zionist yourself so it's not surprising that you would try to downplay and deflect in this manner.

                    >Here’s an idea, do an HN search for Gaza and Israel and run the numbers on how many major posts are critical or supportive of Israel?

                    Here's an idea, next time you try to pretend there is no zionist brigading of HN don't try to deceive people by using a handful of old articles that survived the false flagging attempts as if those are statistically significant over thousands of posts that were successfully buried by zionist brigading for the past 12 months.

                    >Surely if there’s so few major anti-Israel posts because of brigading, there should be many more pro-Israel, according to your flawed perspective?

                    Your flawed and primitive logic doesn't even compute, how could there be "many more pro-israel" posts during an active Genocide[1] that israel is committing!? At best there could be articles that are desperately trying to engage in denial, deflection or failed justifications but still end up being outnumbered since most people regardless of affiliation are not big fans of genocidal entities, thus most of these never make it to the front page and require no flagging. israel has committed so many war-crimes in the past 12 months that a proportional amount of submissions will require more false flagging by zionists who want to suppress anything critical of israel and I wouldn't even call these articles "pro-palestine" they are just reporting on israel's depraved behavior and zionists would rather bury such news quickly and they act accordingly. Someone like you who unironically references the racist & deceptive ADL[2] as a reliable source will obviously deflect from the coordinated flagging that is both observable and manifests itself in data that has been tracked for the past 12 months.

                    [1] jewish holocaust scholars like Amos Goldberg & Raz Segal have described it as "undoubtedly Genocide".

                    [2] "Under the guise of fighting hate speech, the ADL has a long history of wielding its moral authority to attack Arabs, blacks, and queers."

    • blackeyeblitzar 15 hours ago ago

      It’s a different type of situation to many because in Gaza, a terroristic organization was put into power by the population (Hamas democratically elected in 2006), continues to support that organization (polls show broad Gazan support for Hamas before and after October 7), and those terrorists continue to hide behind that population (using them as human shields). For Israel it is a war of self defense in response to October 7, and whether it uses drones or not isn’t interesting to outside observers. That same Gazan population has also, in large (majority) numbers, also viewed the actions of October 7 as justified according to various polls. Meanwhile, the Israeli armed forces take lots of precautions to minimize civilians causalities - maybe not enough but certainly more than any other army has or would in this situation. So their use of technology doesn’t feel controversial in the same way. You don’t have to agree with this view - I’m just helping explain the difference of how people regard the two situations.

    • 15 hours ago ago
    • spidersenses 15 hours ago ago

      The difference is that in Ukraine civilians are being hunted by Russians because the latter are unable to achieve significant military success otherwise. In Gaza it's Hamas operatives, Al-Qassam brigades, Palestinian Islamic Jihad or any of the other local terror outfits sneaking up on border fortifications in order to infiltrate into Israel. The contrast between those two situations couldn't be any starker.

    • pajeets 14 hours ago ago

      The clearest example of terrorism is sabotaging a supply chain, booby trapping consumer devices and not caring because war?

      OR building a neural network to target civilians indiscriminately based on the same egregious moral high ground?

      Do Americans truly wish to put themselves in harm's way to support terrorism for some religious/ideological cause the same way the other uses terrorism for the exact reasons?

      When do we stop and say enough is enough, America is for Americans and American interests only? Where do we draw the line?

  • edm0nd 16 hours ago ago

    Interesting to see that Russia has setup 2000+ cell phone towers in its occupied areas in attempts to gain intel from Ukraine cell phones.

  • aspect0545 15 hours ago ago

    This is an annoying, not very informative format. Fuck this.

    Would be nice to have more objective reporting.

    • wojciii 15 hours ago ago

      I suggest you take a look at

      They have a Patreon and a podcast with daily news (pdf) from Russian invasion of Ukraine.

      This is the best source of news. X(Shutter) is filled with propaganda from both sides. The usual news sources are sensational and clickbaity.

      Is this something you would like to read?

      While the video is probably a bit much the Russians are hunting civilians with drones and has been doing this for some time according to my sources.

      Also you can probably find a source with statistics about the number of hospitals and schools destroyed by Russia. Perhaps this will open your eyes?

  • motohagiography 13 hours ago ago

    the complexity of drone swarms may create an era of fully programmatic warfare though. this guys apprehension of how cell networks work and care regarding using a UK SIM in a warzone seemed reckless to the point of tourism. kids today, no opsec.

  • autoexec 15 hours ago ago

    I remember Slaughterbots ( which was a clear warning of what the future would bring if we failed to regulate autonomous weapons that went totally ignored. It was just three years after that video was released that the UN reported the first use of autonomous drones being used in war.

  • Footnote7341 11 hours ago ago

    Aren't the civilians in Kherson largely Russian citizens according to the official Russian line here? It's one of the territories they officially annexed.

  • pajeets 14 hours ago ago

    When we do it, its "precision strike" or "human shield penetration".

    When the other side does, its "terrorism" no matter how small.

    Terror, violence will never stop more bloodshed, you might get the upper hand today but you are borrowing from the future generation's peace.

    If a region constantly requires tremendous human sacrifice to exist and constantly at the mercy of spun narratives, should it exist in the first place?

    If a region constantly uses terror tactics while calling others terrorist, isn't it a sponsor of terrorism?

    • wojciii 5 hours ago ago

      Russia is hitting hospitals, schools and playgrounds on purpose. They are using cluster munitions on civilians and remote mining civilian areas. The drones are just a cheaper way of terrorising the Ukrainian population.

      This has been going on for years by now.

      • pajeets 4 hours ago ago

        you think Russia is the only one doing this ??!!

        • wojciii 3 hours ago ago

          Actually, yes. This is part of their strategy. They used this in Syria as well.

  • netsharc 11 hours ago ago

    Future of warfare, eh?

    12 years ago:

    TL;DR: how the US military drones terrorized an entire Pakistani city and bombed with seeming randomness, and impunity.

  • pengaru 15 hours ago ago

    This guy's content would be far better with less dramatic editing and less of his hyperbolic narration. Hard to resist closing the tab.

  • blackeyeblitzar 15 hours ago ago

    I know this isn’t the same thing at all, but I do feel “terrorized” or at least violated when drones are used even in casual ways. Like when some jerk is flying a buzzing drone around people in a quiet park with nature walks, and ruining the experience for everyone else. It’s extra creepy when they’re flying over children playing at a beach or your backyard or whatever. But how do you stop them and not get in trouble yourself? I feel like the law around drones is not enforced even where it’s clearly illegal to fly them - for example near ship terminals where there are signs about this.

    • stavros 15 hours ago ago

      While I understand your point, I feel like the "drones are annoying" factors kind of get overshadowed by the guns.

    • 05 15 hours ago ago

      People can be much more annoying than drones, yet they are legal..

      But if you want to embrace your inner Karen, get a Remote ID scanner app for your phone - it shows operator position so you can go confront the person flying..

    • AStonesThrow 14 hours ago ago
  • nonrandomstring 16 hours ago ago

    It's a good job that this kind of thing could never happen "over here". Fortunately drones are very expensive and hard to manufacture. They're not sold in toy-shops so that any lunatic could terrorise schools, concert stadiums, airports or other places where lives would be lost in the crush. /s

    Oh, but we need Amazon to deliver us more pointless tat we don't need and can't afford, and for the cops to "make everybody safe". So keep on cheering and normalising this as benign civil technology rather than as a weapon-system we have very few defences against.

    EDIT: That took 3 seconds to mod down, Fastest I've ever seen.

    • 05 14 hours ago ago

      While we’re at it, let’s also ban cars because terrorists can use them to carry bombs, just like they could use drones. Drones are not the problem here, the bombs are. And in States, any lunatic can buy an assault rifle and shoot up a school, no drones required:)

      • wakawaka28 7 hours ago ago

        No, not any lunatic can buy a gun. You need to pass a background check. It's about as good as you're gonna get, and plenty good enough for purpose because lunatics have many options when it comes to hurting a lot of people besides legallu buying a gun off the shelf.

        Drones are not the problem, nor cars, nor bombs per se. The problem is that there is an active state of war between these two countries. As long as that exists they may continue to harm each other by any means possible.

    • fractallyte 15 hours ago ago

      Since critical military aid is only trickling through, Ukraine has been forced to improvise:

    • actionfromafar 15 hours ago ago

      What action do you suggest?

      • nonrandomstring 15 hours ago ago

        I did suggest something in the comment; not glorifying, justifying and pouring money into the development of a technology whose abuses self-evidently vastly outweigh its societal utility. It's practically designed to be a terrorists tool.

        The "Seven Questions" [0] by Neil Postman are a great read. I think they shhould be mandator reading on any engineering course.


        • fractallyte 15 hours ago ago

          Conversely, since the US has fallen far short of upholding its obligations, Ukraine has no choice but to trailblaze drone technology. In a fight for survival, there's no time to ponder questions like the ones you linked to...

  • consumer451 17 hours ago ago


    • Yasuraka 16 hours ago ago

      People do not protest when the government is already doing what they think is right.

      What should people do, meet up just to chant "thanks for doing the thing, keep doing it" ?

      • card_zero 15 hours ago ago

        That would be nice, yes. Like in Civilization where if the citizens are really happy they hold a "we love the king" event. Then your population expands a lot immediately after.

      • consumer451 16 hours ago ago

        As others have mentioned in this thread, russia is a terrorist state. This is but one example.

        How about at least pushing officials to give an honest answer as to why they are not on the list of terrorist states?

        • mattmaroon 16 hours ago ago

          The honest answer is they have a lot of ICBMs. And besides, what would it do? We’ve got no more sanctions left. Short of invading (which nobody is going to do because of those ICBMs) there’s nothing left to do. We shot our wad on Ukraine sanctions.

          At this point unless we somehow convince the big nations that still trade with them (like China) to stop, we’ve got no levers to pull, and we don’t care enough to give China whatever massive ask they’d have for that.

          • consumer451 15 hours ago ago

            > The honest answer is they have a lot of ICBMs.

            That is not the honest answer. Also, the response to the threat of ICBMs is well known, it's called mutually assured destruction.

            The honest answer is that it would lead to sanctions on countries who continue to do business with russia. These are countries who we could like to consider as allies, such as India.

            • mattmaroon 14 hours ago ago

              Not really. Why would it? Those same allies trade with other nations we’ve designated as terrorists.

              And we’ve already pulled basically every sanction lever against Russia anyway. At this point we’ve probably sanctioned them more than anyone we call a terrorist state.

              The difference is nukes.

              • consumer451 12 hours ago ago

                I respect your opinion, even though I disagree.

                FYI, the website in your bio is down.

                • mattmaroon 12 hours ago ago

                  Ha I think I joined here in 2007. It worked back then.

                  • consumer451 12 hours ago ago

                    The only reason that I found this is that I recently made a Firefox extension that shows a tooltip with the user's bio, when hovering over a username on this site.

                    I am not sure what to name it, HN Inappropriate Snoop?

          • actionfromafar 15 hours ago ago

            What to do? Instead of only giving them scraps, send some serious weapons their way. Stop the trickle support, step up.

          • vlovich123 15 hours ago ago

            No, the honest answer is much more mundane - natural gas and Europe’s continued reliance on it to get through the winter and keep overall energy costs a bit more controlled. Who knew that denuclearizing the energy grid would have such benefit for Russia /sarcasm.

    • mmh0000 17 hours ago ago


      Claiming "things aren't covered" just means you aren't looking. May I recommend:

      (Ignore the subreddit title...):

      Nearly /everything/ is covered by the "mainstream media", it's just not usually on the front page which has to be reserved for the most clickbaitiest stuff.

      • asah 15 hours ago ago

        Wow, /r/anime_titties/ is serious doomscrolling. Not recommended.

    • 15 hours ago ago
    • dist-epoch 16 hours ago ago


  • amelius 16 hours ago ago


    • Etheryte 15 hours ago ago

      People are being hunted down and killed by unmanned drones, better make a joke about something that occasionally mildly inconveniences me.

    • mattmaroon 16 hours ago ago

      Just yesterday I saw an entire parking lot terrorized by a self-driving model Y that was auto-summoned.

      • meowster 15 hours ago ago

        'Video or it didn't happen'?

        I don't doubt you, I'm just curious to see it :-)

        • mattmaroon 15 hours ago ago

          I didn’t take any, it was just an auto summon that kept looking like it was going to hit someone then abruptly braking and creating a log jam. It was funny.

    • koiueo 15 hours ago ago

      Rumors say, russians are training their pilots this way

  • udioron 14 hours ago ago
