Tiny Drones Do Distributed Mapping


53 points | by steamingpenis 18 hours ago ago


  • godelski 14 hours ago ago

    Paper: https://arxiv.org/abs/2407.03136

    Code (broken link): https://github.com/ETH-PBL/Nano-C-SLAM

    ETH-PBL's page (https://github.com/ETH-PBL/) Does not have a project with similar naming though there is NanoSLAM and Nano_Swarm_Mapping. The former is associated with the paper "NanoSLAM: Enabling Fully Onboard SLAM for Tiny Robots" and the latter with "Fully Onboard SLAM for Distributed Mapping With a Swarm of Nano-Drones"

    My guess is that they haven't gotten it through review yet and that's why. Could be for many reasons, I'm not a domain expert here so I'll reserve judgement, but review can be noisy. Still, release the code...

  • 082349872349872 16 hours ago ago

    for a half century+ of progress in swarm mapping, compare https://www.nationalmuseum.af.mil/Upcoming/Photos/igphoto/20...

    • gradschoolfail 6 hours ago ago


      I’d rate this guy as a drone pro, maybe like you (sig portion of networth invested/day2day ops involvement?)

      (The design issues which i referred to was precisly this kind of intertwining with supply demand.. what kind of blasted solar panels is he talking about sota GaAs barely make the cut atm)

      so how do you rate my assessment of drone tech up till 3-5 yrs ahead. How foxy was it :)

      L: 1965 soyuzmultfilm of cobra v. cub ( & lone “fox”)

      Btw, re p=1537 2014 was obviously a date, slightly curious y you’d clarify :)

      • 082349872349872 3 hours ago ago

        the lone canid being the post-'69 Nu Pogodi sketch?

        bright eyed and bushy tailed on the drones!

        widespread solar could be like the old RN: unlike the non-nuclear bits of the USN, they only needed to put into port for fresh water, victuals, and the occasional repair. where are we on beamed power? (I'd think like charging, you'd want as large an area as possible on the receiving end, so maybe not so useful for keeping drones aloft?)

        Igloo White reminded me of Project Loon (but maybe it's just pareidolia that I see dual-use everywhere?) which would be another (but probably insufficiently stealthy) approach to drone range-extension (witness DARPA fascination with perching).

        Lagniappe: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Domesticated_silver_fox

        [in between I figured out the vampire teeth. È colpa di Celentano: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sRVNEIIhYpY#t=870

        that's probably also the original source for Анонс?

        Lagniappe2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pZLIWoUbcyo ]

        • BSVogler 2 hours ago ago

          Was this text generated by an LLM? This doesn’t make sense.

          • 082349872349872 2 hours ago ago

            Tut uns leid; wir sind mittendrin*... Think of it as swarm conversing: if any noun phrase catches your fancy I'd be glad to explain/load your context cache. (für Hesse-Könner: es ist eine Art Glasperlenspiel)

            * most natural noises are either bangs or buzzes (localised in time or localised in frequency) so animals commonly use chirps to distinguish their communication from the background; in this case although the typical HN convo approximates a dirac delta: highly time-localised...

            EDIT: PS. what are your thoughts on risk reduction as opposed to maturity reliance?

  • aaron695 5 hours ago ago
