India Is Now Russia's No. 2 Supplier of Restricted Technology


10 points | by donutloop 13 hours ago ago


  • jmpman 4 hours ago ago

    The US should restrict India until they stop supplying our enemies. A tariff on IT development in India should be sufficient.

    • protomolecule 3 hours ago ago

      Superpower throwing a tantrum, what a marvelous sight.

      • talldayo an hour ago ago

        You can't threaten global security in one hand while relying on it with the other. It's as simple as that. India (or more precisely, Modi) have several suppliers to choose from, and by standing by Russia they make themselves a legitimate target of economic sanctions. I'm sure Modi and the incumbents want to market it as a persecution complex by the rest of the world, but from an outside perspective it's very easy to see how one person's petty choices can hold back a billion-person nation. Nobody forced India to defend the revisionist and genocidal hermit kingdom besides their own leader. It's a tragedy.

        India's free to make their own call, but the rest of the world is fully within their right to call it what it is. Remember Turkey? They gave up the chance to buy F-35s at sticker price because they wanted to be buddy-buddy enough with Russia to import S-400 systems. Rational military strategists are not looking at the war in Ukraine and feeling good about Turkey's decision right now. Ironically, the PR consequences of India's backwards defense strategy probably benefits adversaries like Pakistan more than it threatens them. This behavior is burning the political "soft-power" that India relies on to furnish international support.

        • protomolecule 9 minutes ago ago

          >You can't threaten global security

          And who is threatening global security?

          >a legitimate target of economic sanctions

          What exactly makes any of American sanctions legitimate?

          >from an outside perspective

          What a weird way to spell 'western'.

          >international support

          This spelling is even weirder.

          You hope you see the pattern by now.

  • beardyw 7 hours ago ago

    Misleading headline. Restricted Technology isn't some internationally recognised thing, is just stuff the US and Europe are not going to supply to Russia. India is perfectly entitled to do so, whether we like it or not.

    • talldayo 5 hours ago ago

      > India is perfectly entitled to do so, whether we like it or not.

      India also relies on US allies to import upgrades to their Russian kit. If the US cut them off from importing Israeli arms, India would be singing a different tune I think.

  • protomolecule 10 hours ago ago

    USSR helped India in 1971 against the US (which supported Pakistan in the war and was about to intevene), now India helps Russia.

  • hn_un 12 hours ago ago
