Musk Is Going All in to Elect Trump


11 points | by 2OEH8eoCRo0 7 hours ago ago


  • peutetre 7 hours ago ago

    Tesla deserves a full-time CEO. Musk ain't it.

  • paulpauper 7 hours ago ago

    I don't mean to take a side here, but legacy media has generally historically favored certain candidates. Media bias is a real thing. Twitter is now another media platform. It baffles me why Democratic elites did not buy twitter. Not only would twitter have retained its value much better due to not losing users and advertisers, but also would not have fallen into musk's hands, creating effectively another Fox News. Because Musk did not want the site, the counteroffer would have been lower or the same, instead of a bidding war.

    • smt88 7 hours ago ago

      Which liberal elites had $40B to blow on buying a failing business? Even one that's failing a bit slower?

      Musk himself had to make deals with bad people (Saudi royals, Russian oligarchs) to afford it.

    • insane_dreamer 6 hours ago ago

      Because most liberals consider that one person having full control over what is meant to be a neutral social platform, is anti-democratic (the philosophy, not the party). Even when Bezos bought WashPo, he took steps to ensure that its editorial process remained independent.

      Yes, you do have media networks that are clearly partisan: Fox on one side, MSNBC on the other (though not nearly as blatantly), but Twitter is/was an open network for _individual users_ to communicate and broadcast their views. Elon has turned it into a partisan media network.

    • verdverm 7 hours ago ago

      Former Twitter's board would have been sued for taking a lower offer and no one thought it was worth the amount Elon paid. The next gen of social media (ATProto) is being built and gaining steam over at Bluesky and Xitter will wither into a right-wing echo chamber like "truth" social

      I find it rich that the right complained about social media election interference and censoring and now turn around and crow for what Musk is doing and cancel their own if they say anything Trump doesn't like...

  • insane_dreamer 6 hours ago ago

    Regardless of which party you support, there is a clear problem with an activist billionaire having complete control over a major media platform. And to all the people who said this was never going to happen when Elon took over Twitter, you should have known better.

    Certainly the Twitter board and CEOs had political biases. But they didn't have the control over the network and were ultimately accountable to public shareholders, and even to the Twitter userbase themselves (pissing off a great deal of them is bad business). Elon is accountable to no one, and he has enough $$$ that he can piss off anyone he likes.

    X is now Fox 2.0.

    As for the politics, I don't disagree so much with Republicans as I do with Trump. He supported an attempt to violently overturn a democratic election, something that only happens in, to use Trump's words, "shithole" countries. That for me ends the discussion right there -- no need to debate the merits of either candidate.

    It just shows how far off the path of democracy the USA has fallen, and Musk along with it. He's just another wanna-be dictator now.

  • 7 hours ago ago