Boxedwine is an emulator that runs Windows applications


5 points | by marcodiego 15 hours ago ago


  • saurik 7 hours ago ago

    I am sure this is obvious and I am just not in the right ecosystem to appreciate the problem, but why do they have to include a Linux emulator to use Wine? Can't I just run Wine?

    • xanathar 6 hours ago ago

      To run win32 applications inside Windows operating systems that are too modern (e.g. for 16bit apps), in a browser or on macOS (recent versions of macOS do not have 32bit support and IIRC runnin 32bit wine was not easy).

      Of course these are my guesses, I don't think the "purpose" of boxedwine is ever explicitly stated.

      • saurik 3 hours ago ago

        Oh oh oh! It in fact now does feel pretty obvious: I missed the part about how if you have this entire stack as one piece you can run it in the browser. Thanks!!

        • hulitu 37 minutes ago ago

          Can i run a browser in a browser ? How about a browser in an OS in a broeser ? /s

          (i just have free RAM)