Why does the US spend so much on its military? [video]


3 points | by sahin 12 hours ago ago


  • verdverm 11 hours ago ago

    I watched the first minute or so of this, but it became quickly apparent that this person is not one to learn this topic from. He led with "view/rage bate", had outdated numbers, and ignored that Purchasing Power Parity is an important factor for doing these comparisons. Another compounding factor is that different countries classify different activities as defense or not.


  • elmerfud 12 hours ago ago

    If you watch this video he will never see that the question posed in the title is ever answered. We learn what it is spent on and we learn a few other things we do learn the authors naive view that diplomacy can solve everything. We never actually learn why the US does this at a scale that literally no other country even attempts to do.

    The answer that the video proposes is quite naive in that diplomacy is the method by which we should attempt to solve problems, diplomacy alone is not enough. This is like taking the naive viewpoint that simply passing a law to say that stealing is wrong is enough to stop all theft. We know how ignorant that statement sounds. The law itself is nothing without the power of enforcement and punishment behind it. The same goes for diplomacy you only need to take a look at the last hundred years of History for international diplomacy and you can see how that has panned out when there is literally no power of enforcement behind it. It would be great if the sole power of enforcement could simply be oversights but a brief look at history shows that that again is not enough.

    Why does the US spend so much on its military? The United States is one of the few countries that has not used its military power to expand its territorial empire. Some people may take a disagreement with that, as there are a few examples of territories that the United States has claimed ownership of, but those are the rare examples. Most/all of those territories that the United States currently holds would like to become states instead of being independent nations. In world war II especially in the Pacific theater the United States didn't take ownership of the lands that they conquered even though it was in the mindset of most of the conquered peoples and most of the countries that were liberated to expect the United States to take over. They did for a limited time but it was not permanent and it was never intended to be permanent.

    The United States wields its massive military power in a way that is different from every other country in the history of the world and that includes some of the strongest allies like Great Britain have done. So we get down to why does the United States spend so much money on its military? Because it is the only country that is proved to use overwhelming might in a mostly responsible manner to quell issues around the world before they become massive problems. We managed to do that without attempting to completely subjugate the populace of other countries. Again you can find exceptions and you can find people that are upset with the interference but taking a holistic view of History the balance has been more toward the good than the bad. The evil is perpetrated by the British empire around the world were far greater than anything the United States has done. The British empire and never operated with the idea of liberating countries.

    So the follow-up question should be if the United States didn't do this job who would do it and what the world be better off or worse?

    • peacechance 9 hours ago ago

      Your analysis is idiotic. The U.S. military is a cancer on this planet and is the biggest obstacle to peace on Earth.