• brodouevencode 9 hours ago ago

    > enshittifies

    Can we stop using that terrible term?

    I get what you're trying to say: I too have very strong feelings about Vercel, it's lock in, it's operating model, and some underlying technical decisions they've made. But individually those are points that (if the company is listening) Vercel will address or go out of business.

    There's no nuance in that way of thinking. Market forces will determine whether or not the company will succeed. But it's the obligation of the decision makers in your company to decide whether or not the problems that Vercel has are worth the risks and to what degree. There may be a tipping point - an enshittification point - at which the risks are no longer tenable. The way the term is commonly used doesn't make that clear - you've basically declared that the company will go south. Maybe it will, or maybe they'll listen to their customers.

    • mouse_ 9 hours ago ago

      I'm gonna keep saying it as long as they keep doing it

  • meiraleal 3 hours ago ago

    > What happens after Vercel enshittifies?

    React enshittifies together (already happened) and slowly starts to die. People stop going crazy over SSR and go back to simpler HTML/CSS/JS pages.