Lamborghini Carjackers Lured by $243M Cyberheist


9 points | by todsacerdoti 10 hours ago ago


  • TheInformerEng 10 hours ago ago

    Imagine this: a group of cyber masterminds pulled off a heist so slick, they swiped $243 million in crypto from a single guy, only to then splash out on Lamborghinis, turning themselves into real-life, high-speed, carjacking villains straight out of a Hollywood blockbuster. All this while probably thinking they were untouchable, until reality hit, and their joyride ended with handcuffs instead of more Instagram likes.

  • paulpauper 10 hours ago ago

    Cybercriminals hail from all walks of life and income levels, but some of the more accomplished cryptocurrency thieves also tend to be among the more privileged, and from relatively well-off families. In other words, these individuals aren’t stealing to put food on the table: They’re doing it so they can amass all the trappings of instant wealth, and so they can boast about their crimes to others on The Com.

    Interesting observation. I think it makes sense they would come from a privileged background. You need the time and resources to acquire the requisite skillset to become good at this, so a high-SES background helps. Family wealth also provides a fallback plan if your get-rich-quick hustle fails.

  • 10 hours ago ago