Automattic is doing open source dirty


37 points | by cjlm 14 hours ago ago


  • mckravchyk an hour ago ago

    > Look, Automattic can change their license away from the GPL any time they wish. The new license will only apply to new code, though, and WP Engine, or anyone else, are eligible to fork the project. That's what happened with Redis after Redis Labs dropped their BSD license and went with a commercial source-available alternative.

    No, that would not be a possibility. Since Automattic is not the copyright holder and GPL prohibits redistribution under an incompatible license, unlike BSD.

  • aimazon 13 hours ago ago

    Matt is frantically trying to justify his behaviour to dhh:

    Matt seems to have missed that dhh called out his use of the WordPress trademark as the strategy to "get Al Capone" which Matt has admitted to multiple times.

    What's the truth, Matt?

    "“The analogy I made is they got Al Capone for taxes,” Mullenweg says. “So, if a company was making half a billion dollars from WordPress and contributing back about $100,000 a year, yes, I would be trying to get them to contribute more.” WP Engine competes directly with the hosting services offered by Automattic and, and Mullenweg argues one of the reasons for its success is the use of “WordPress” across its site. “That’s why we’re using that legal avenue to really, yeah, pressure them. That’s true: we are pressuring them.”"

    Is this about the trademark or not?

  • znpy 3 hours ago ago

    Worth noting that less than a week ago Matt reached to Steve Huffman (spez), ceo of Reddit to capitalize the 'p' in `/r/Wordpress`. I guess to have legal ground to use trademark to get to own the subreddit.

    It was posted here as well, but it got flagged to oblivion.

  • keikobadthebad 13 hours ago ago

    GPLv2 operates on Copyright law.

    This blowhard seems unaware there are also separate sets of laws around patents, trademarks and trade secrets the GPLv2 doesn't address.

  • jaredcwhite 12 hours ago ago

    Pot, meet kettle.

    It's astounding to me how little self-awareness DHH has…as if he himself wasn't the target of controversy over the past few years and didn't cause an exodus of people leaving both Basecamp/37signals the company and Rails the ecosystem.

    The flip side is…if (checks notes) DHH is calling you out on your poor stewardship of open source because of bad optics, wow, that is really something.

  • 13 hours ago ago