Is Age Really a Factor in Tech?


2 points | by thunderbong 9 hours ago ago


  • marssaxman 9 hours ago ago

    The "youth bias" the author examines has never seemed like much of a mystery to me. It should be no surprise that "only 15.3% of respondents were over 45 years old" when the entire industry was - to handwave a guess - only 15% its present size at the time we began our careers. Even if every person my age who had ever worked in the industry were still present, we should expect to be greatly outnumbered by younger people, as the number of jobs keeps increasing every year, filled with a steady supply of college graduates.

  • fidla 9 hours ago ago

    Definitely. I'm over 60 and I still can't get a job

  • howard941 8 hours ago ago

    Yes, it's a huge factor in hiring. Betteridge's doesn't work here anymore, maybe he's too old.