Caveman Debugging in the Modern Age


15 points | by theapache64 9 hours ago ago


  • dlachausse 4 hours ago ago

    I never heard it called caveman debugging before but I love the name.

    I am a huge fan of print debugging. Debuggers have their place, but most of the time print is just easier and it fits better into my mental model.

    • jmclnx 4 hours ago ago

      I agree, but I have found gdb is great for core dumps. Getting Linux to create one, another issue :)

      BSDs though just creates them when your program dumps for you enjoyment.

  • invalidname an hour ago ago

    You're already using IntelliJ just use tracepoints and get a ton of advantages without forgetting prints in production. Stop living in the 70s, that quote makes sense when you're building a kernel not a modern user space app.

  • 3 hours ago ago