2 points | by heerotech 7 hours ago ago


  • gatekpr 7 hours ago ago

    haha! This starts out as free 100GB of storage. Evolves into an AI Start-Up company that magically promises to be the best assistant ever, now that it has scraped your life into it's LLM.

    #kidding, but also highly sus of anyone giving anything away for free--that's not this world now. #investmentbros

    • heerotech 7 hours ago ago

      we are not going to build LLMs out of this at point of time. we are giving this bcoz we figure out some way to give it away

  • pavel_lishin 7 hours ago ago

    So, uh, how are you paying for this?

    • heerotech 7 hours ago ago

      we have figure out some mechniasm to store these files on the internet in a secure way,

      • pavel_lishin 6 hours ago ago

        And if you aren't up-front with what that mechanism is, I think most people are going to assume you're doing something shady on someone else's nickel, or you're somehow going to sell our data.

        • heerotech 2 hours ago ago

          These things takes time.

      • talldayo 6 hours ago ago

        Storage isn't free