• gnabgib 14 hours ago ago


    Meta smart glasses can be used to dox anyone in seconds, study finds (30 points, 3 days ago, 7 comments) https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=41724957

    Students Add Face Recognition to Meta's Glasses to Dox Strangers in Real Time (13 points, 3 days ago, 7 comments) https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=41724310

  • pakolinux an hour ago ago

    I’m actually more interested in the hacking part of the glasses. He/they hooked into the bluetooth API used by whatsapp to stream videos in video calls?

  • al_borland 13 hours ago ago

    This was fantasy tech from movies not long ago.

    I think this is a bad direction we’re heading. Much like text scams mean we can no longer trust an honest wrong number, we can now no longer trust a meeting on the street from someone who may know of us from some other part of our life. I worry this will lead to even greater distrust of our own communities, driving more people to end up alone.

    There were con artists before, sure, but when technology enables anyone with a few hundred dollars to do it without much effort, it changes things.

    One saving grace is that, so far, the public doesn’t seem to care about any of these VR/AR products. The Ray-Ban glasses from Meta are in the same ballpark as the iPod in terms of price. The iPod was ubiquitous, while I don’t see or know anyone with smart glasses. If it’s not a price issue, it must be that people don’t really care about this space.

    • Brian_K_White 13 hours ago ago

      Maybe the answer is the usual answer, whether we like it or not, that the power of tools cuts both ways. Your own glasses or other device of some sort tells you if you know them, and/or if other people have labelled them as a scammer, or if they have too little reputation at all.

      It's only really a problem during the transition period when some people are using a new facility and some are not.

      That's kind of depressing to think that we will all be forced to engage with ai bullshit, but I think it's not so bad in the long run because there is more than one way to use any new tech. Eventually there will be forms of ai tools that aren't gemini etc, controlled by someone else for purposes other than yours.

      • crtasm 7 hours ago ago

        >It's only really a problem during the transition period

        Think ahead to the day your reputation in the system turns negative from a bug, a hack, a group targeting you with reports, etc.

        • Brian_K_White 4 hours ago ago

          That is just another example of "It's only a problem when it's not in balance." If you're the only one it ever happened to, yeah that's a problem. But once it's happened to everyone or at least everyone knows someone that it happened to, then it's no longer any more of a problem than any other problem.

          It just means eventually it becomes normal to occasionally start building a new reputation from scratch. No one will trust a new identity with anything important, but also everyone knows it happens so they don't assume the worst either, and there are ways to start rebuilding your karma, and it's just a garden variety hassle not the end of the world.

          Like a new ebay account. For every problem or "think ahead" there is just yet another a little further think ahead.

          Point being, it's not that there are no problems, it's that whether anyone likes any given new development or not, once it exists, it exists. It's part of the world and cannot be un-created. Whatever the problem is, there are many possible responses, but one response that is absolutely not available and uttery silly to waste any breath on, is "this shouldn't exist, make it go back to before it existed".

  • ChainOfFools 13 hours ago ago

    So it's 2029 and the entire world has become intensely suspicious of anyone wearing glasses. well done 'information wants to be free' gang.

    coda: it's 2032, and the entire world is wearing glasses.

  • tessierashpool 14 hours ago ago

    France 24 report describes it as "a surveillance nightmare" but it's arguably more a sousveillance nightmare. This would be an incredibly oppressive tool of surveillance, but in the hands of literally everyone, it's that plus a recipe for chaos.

    Impressive tech demo though!

    • xqcgrek2 14 hours ago ago

      Is it really impressive? It's just feeding search into an LLM.

      The fact it's so easy is why its a nightmare.

  • jajko 14 hours ago ago

    Google glass all over again. If you walk by me with these on, chances are I will smash you in the face for being obtrusive and rude or worse without asking for permission. If you bring those around my small kids worse things may happen.

    But first person porn videos may look more natural compared to GG.

    • mass_and_energy 14 hours ago ago

      What about a tourist walking while filming their vacation, are you planning on assaulting them in front of your children as well? Shed the burden of your hate and walk forth without being such a tool, friend.

    • OutOfHere 4 hours ago ago

      You seem to belong in prison. You do not have the right to assault or even to criticize anyone. And people do have the right to photograph in public, including children, meaning your children too.

    • maxerickson 13 hours ago ago

      Why not attack everyone the same way, they may have a hidden camera, no reason to trust that they don't.

  • mr-pink 13 hours ago ago

    nothing wrong with this. if you live in a small town you know everyone anyway. this is the same thing on a larger scale. if i see my waiter's great great grandfather owned slaves at a glance thanks to this technology i might leave a smaller tip than usual.

    • maxerickson 13 hours ago ago

      That sort of discards "know" meaning anything.

      I suppose you are trolling based on the rest of your comment though.