• shihanwan1 15 hours ago ago

    Been using copilot for a while and just made the switch to cursor, it's pretty sweet but the hype around it is crazy. I did notice that the tab complete were a bit higher quality but it was not leaps beyond what copilot were suggesting. Maybe I have to dig into the other features to get into the hype.

    • siddseethepalli 14 hours ago ago

      More than the individual tab completions, I've found that when working on a feature across many files, when I open the next file half the time I can just press tab a few times (and no other keys) to make all the edits I wanted in that file in a matter of seconds. That's what continues to blow my mind every time.

      • shihanwan1 14 hours ago ago

        looks like I gotta play with it more!

  • marince00 14 hours ago ago

    "Something that's probably highly underrated is how much more pleasant it makes writing code."

    Hard agree

  • JSDevOps 12 hours ago ago

    I have a feeling this person would soon change their minds when the bills start coming in.

  • jaredcwhite 12 hours ago ago

    Hype man hypes, man. Tale as old as time.

    "Try it and you'll love it, I guarantee it!" barks the huckster on the side of the road.

    But forget all that. Even if I were to completely concede the claims being made here are technically legitimate, I would still not ever touch this tool…just as I would never take a "wonder drug" to cure what ails me if the side effects are undeniable and unacceptable. And yes, that's exactly what's going on here…the very real social, political, economic, ethical, and humanist side effects of generative AI are undeniable and unacceptable.

  • 15 hours ago ago