Opus Dei Conquered Washington, D.C


5 points | by cempaka 12 hours ago ago


  • pinewurst 12 hours ago ago
  • sickofparadox 12 hours ago ago

    From the first sentence this is laughable "Secretive right wing Catholic group". Opus Dei is a group for connecting laypeople together, any Catholic can join - there's no test or anything. The entire article continues this way - insisting its some shadowy organization here to get you in the night.

    Its true purposes, of course, are simultaneously downplayed and feared in this article: conversion and tending to the masses. Trying to have her cake and eat it too, the author lists a number of conversions directly linked to the group, but then says that cannot be the purpose of the group because more people have left the church than joined, therefore it must be out to get you. This is just a rehashed and repackaged "Jesuits run the world" conspiracy for progressives.

  • 12 hours ago ago