• Cypher 10 hours ago ago

    after the first $100M I'd probably call it quits and cash out

    • paulpauper 10 hours ago ago

      right, because you have the gift of hindsight. someone could have said the same at $1 million

  • xenospn 7 hours ago ago

    I bought $2000 worth of TSLA right after they IPOd and sold in 2014-2015 for ~$30,000 because I wanted to buy a used Porsche. It was simultaneously the cheapest and most expensive Porsche ever (probably).

    • jfengel 6 hours ago ago

      I bought AMZN on opening day at $16 -- the IPO price was $18.

      I sold it two weeks later for $32. I doubled my money. I am a genius.

      (Incidentally, I also bought TSLA just after IPO, and still have it. I'm getting out of it, but just can't bear the idea of a six-figure tax bill. Originally, that was to re-balance my portfolio, but now I just hate having my future tightly linked to a raging asshat.)

      /never confuse genius with a bull market

  • paulpauper 10 hours ago ago

    I find this hard to believe. I don't think tesla options appreciated enough . They strikes didn't go high enough to make so much. I'd have to see the historical options data to see if such a trade or multiple trades was even possible.

  • bell-cot 10 hours ago ago

    In theory, enormous wealth should have no trouble "hiring the best" for investment advisors and managers.

    In practice, I don't think that has ever been the case.

  • 10 hours ago ago