Understanding the Maths of Computed Tomography (CT) Scans


9 points | by mhb 2 days ago ago


  • tocs3 a day ago ago

    I was an EMT in a rural ambulance service late last century and I remember asking how a CAT scan works. The only answers I got were along the line of "Its like an X-ray." I pointed out that I understand it uses X-rays but it is like taking a photograph of a house and getting the floor plan. I did not get many answers beyond that.

    A few years later I saw a great demo of CT scanning. It was maybe a flash program or some such and I cannot find it any more. It was the simplest most intuitive model of tomography I have every seen and should be mandatory viewing in high schools. It took a subject that always seemed a bit magical and made me think "Oh, that's how it works".