I Fight for the User (2023)


4 points | by Rugu16 8 hours ago ago


  • willcate 8 hours ago ago

    With apologies to Mr. Atwood, I don't think that post has aged well.

    • JohnFen 4 hours ago ago

      What hasn't aged well about it? It's an opinion piece and only a year old.

  • squircle 8 hours ago ago

    > It's been clear for quite some time that the early social media strategery of "jam a million people in a colosseum and let them fight it out with free speech" isn't panning out, but never has it been more clear than now, under the Elon Musk regime, that being beholden to the whims of a billionaire going through a midlife crisis isn't exactly healthy for society. Or you. Or me. Or anyone, really.

  • 8 hours ago ago
  • 8 hours ago ago