US dockworkers suspend ports strike until January


7 points | by ethbr1 13 hours ago ago


  • h2odragon 4 hours ago ago

    The ports in Florida were being to be re-opened by FL National Guard troops. That likely would've ended the longshoreman's union.

    • hulitu an hour ago ago

      > The ports in Florida were being to be re-opened by FL National Guard troops. That likely would've ended the longshoreman's union.

      Rockefeller did set a precedent when he used mashine guns to end a strike.

  • ethbr1 13 hours ago ago

    >> The union says it has reached a tentative agreement on wages and will go back to work on Friday until 15 January, when they will return to the bargaining table to negotiate "all other outstanding issues".

    >> Under a tentative agreement workers’ wages would go up by 62% over the next six years, according to US media reports. The union had been calling for a 77% wage hike, while USMX had previously increased its pay rise offer to almost 50%.

    Hmm, if a +8.4% yearly wage increase was feasible, then it seems like workers were being underpaid relative to the profit their work generated.

    • dialup_sounds 10 hours ago ago

      They were being paid according to the previous contract negotiated in 2018, which included a ~11% wage increase over the duration.

      • killingtime74 10 hours ago ago

        For people who don't want to click the earlier duration was 6 years

    • xpl 11 hours ago ago

      Most people are underpaid if we consider the global 'productivity-pay gap' phenomenon (since the 1970s, wages haven't been growing as much as productivity)...