Gemini 1.5 Flash-8B is now production ready


22 points | by srameshc 12 hours ago ago


  • bearjaws 12 hours ago ago

    Damn I literally just published a article benchmarking flash-1.5 and showing it is very impressive for it's cost.

    Maybe I'll redo it and add in 1.5-8b, it's so cheap it doesn't hurt to add it lol.

  • faangguyindia 37 minutes ago ago

    It's such a shame, zed editor cannot use Gemini Flash for code completion, it's stuck on Supermaven or copilot.

    Most editors can easily support LLMs via Fill in Middle operation mode

  • Havoc 7 hours ago ago

    Does anyone know if the rate limits on Flash and Flash8B are separate?