• bob1029 7 hours ago ago

    I abandoned Azure a few weeks ago over this. I was trying to spin up something approximating a basic-ass 2 core windows server in any region and was getting denied.

    If you have a choice, I would move to a different provider. Microsoft needs a wakeup call. I don't know how you can tout "hyperscalar" when your customers are standing in line and begging for days to get at a single bowl of soup.

  • aprdm 6 hours ago ago

    I have reached limits on all cloud providers, it might surprise you but there's no "real cloud", it's just computers, and computers are a limited number of resources. For many reasons cloud providers might run out of computers on regions

    • scottndecker 5 hours ago ago

      Nope, not a surprise. I've been doing cloud for a while.

      What I've never experienced from a cloud provider is a denial at creating infrastructure and told to use a different region.

  • solardev 5 hours ago ago

    OpenAI is probably taking all their servers?