Humans can have superpowers—scientists are studying them


10 points | by squircle 7 hours ago ago


  • skypanther 6 hours ago ago
    • tonetegeatinst 4 hours ago ago

      Thanks for the link to the archive, I hate those ads considering I rarely visit these site and have 0 reason to have a subscription.

  • stefs 4 hours ago ago

    the image of honnold doesn't convey the sheer ... terror of free solo a normal person feels. the picture in the linked article ( does a better job of that.

    as the article says, honnold's super power isn't just being an exceptionally good climber, it's his ability to rationalize and control his fear ... most of the time.

    some other imo superhuman abilities, which transcend mere technical excellency and training:

    long distance athletes (mostly ultra-runners and cyclists) who's recovery is so good they can continue indefinitely as long as they get enough calories. an example of this would be dean karnazes (

    another, rather well known example would be usain bolts unusal mutation that allows him to sprint like a shorter man while being taller.

    robert förstemann, a track cyclist who may or may not "suffer" from a gene defect called myostatin-deficiency which regulates muscular growth (i.e. his muscle growth is limited less than in normal people). while this could just be a cover up story for PED use, but there are a few documented cases of this occurring in humans and it's common in certain animal breeds (belgian blue cattle and whippets).

  • jmclnx 4 hours ago ago

    I read in the past about others:

    * Some (all?) Aboriginal Australians people can sleep outdoors in 40F (5C) weather without harm or covers. (maybe 45). I forgot the exact Temp but for others it is very dangerous to do that.

    * Then there is adult milk digestion for Northern Europeans and some peoples in Africa (Masi I think). It was deemed a kind of parallel evolution.

    * I remember seeing a blurb about some people in China a while ago, but I forgot what it was.

  • 6 hours ago ago