• h-c-c a day ago ago

    Everyone knows that if you encounter an R.O.U.S, You're supposed to retreat into the fire swamp.

  • starkparker a day ago ago

    Every Louisianian reading this is laughing and screaming at the same time

    • AndrewKemendo a day ago ago

      Or East Tx, Nutria were everywhere in the bayous in Houston so…I’m not sure what the problem is haha

  • Grosvenor 4 days ago ago

    They should open up trapping season on them. Apparently their fur is used in fashion.

    I could use a new winter hat.


    • quantified 4 days ago ago

      Or a state-sponsored bounty. Though you don't want to encourage breeding them. Maybe reward all county taxpayers with a three-month-long tax holiday if they can be rid of nutria for a year.

      • spondylosaurus 21 hours ago ago

        IIRC Texas has put up bounties for feral hogs, but I'm not sure how much it's helped.

  • rurban 21 hours ago ago

    They need to train dogs (very easy) to sniff them out. Man usually cannot detect them. This is how it's done in Germany, which has the very same problem when a lot got out of Danish farms.

  • chiefalchemist 4 days ago ago

    I read / skimmed twice but didn't see, this invasive species is native of where?

  • ibash a day ago ago


  • dmitrygr a day ago ago

    Sadly not capybaras

  • FooBarBizBazz a day ago ago

    I don't understand how "invasive species" is a coherent concept. Ok, so they're not originally from the area. Who is?

    • Banou 21 hours ago ago

      Thats such a political argument, this is ecology, your POV on origins isn't correct in this case. Introducing a new species that has never lived somewhere could maybe introduce really bad side effects? Imagine a new predator that somehow eats everything and reproduce 10x more than any other species in the introduced ecosystem, causing it to simply be destroyed? Same goes with plants, why do you think airports prevents you from importing fruits and seeds? Because they could cause irreversible damages. You can Google tons of cases of invasive insects being mistakenly imported being a bane to farmers and the like.

      • hulitu 12 hours ago ago

        > Imagine a new predator that somehow eats everything and reproduce 10x more than any other species in the introduced ecosystem, causing it to simply be destroyed?

        Like Homo Sapiens ? /s

  • 4 days ago ago