• southernplaces7 10 hours ago ago

    Of course it does, what else would it do. It's entire business model and a vast majority of its operating procedure is by default deeply hostile to any real notion of privacy. Try using Google with Tor for example. This is a company that truly hates not tracking as much as possible about everything you do.

    • jart 7 hours ago ago

      That's because people have the right to be remembered.

    • lazyeye 8 hours ago ago

      Yes Google abuses privacy on a scale never before seen in human history. The East German Stazi would have been ecstatic to get 1% of the data that Google is able to collect.

      Vacuuming up and selling consumer data is not new though, companies have been doing this since before big tech took over.

      The Hank Show https://www.amazon.com.au/Hank-Show-House-Painting-Drug-Runn...

  • exabrial 8 hours ago ago

    Google claims to support privacy while invading it. Google also claims to support privacy while opting everyone in by default, instead of opting everyone out by default.

  • skeptrune 7 hours ago ago

    The people on the Android team who make sure new Pixel phones can be loaded with de-googled ROMs are my heroes.

    >Between 2015 and 2022, Google spent an average of $14.9 million a year(new window) on lobbying

    This number is a LOT lower than I expected. I wonder if there's an uncovered budget for defending itself from suits which works as a kind of pseudo-lobbying.

  • Concept5116 3 hours ago ago

    Yes and my parents claimed to love me while also disowning me. Crazy how people (corporations are people) lie like that.