Why does DirectTV stream use full IP address to verify location?[forum]


3 points | by rolph 13 hours ago ago


  • rolph 12 hours ago ago

    DTVstream, over starlink uses wrong location, provides feed from wrong region, fails to provide service agreed to.

    i assume location matters, or there would be no effort made to find it.

    why would it matter?

      i assume bcz different regions get different channel line ups, and different time scheduling.
    so why am i concerned?

    bcz IP doesnt = location , and acting like it does, creates problems.

    what happens?

    point of presence extrapolated via IP analysis pigeon holes equipment into the wrong region, result is loss of local news stations on location and, channel lineup and HDVR geofencing are for another region, thus cant access agreed services.

    response after many hours on phone, sums up to " ask your isp to give you static address that matches your location"

    I know google [via android] is trying to derive location, and getting it wrong, what perplexes me is why they dont care when thier business model begs the inference that they should care about junk demographics being used in analytics and ad targeting