Brutal Startup Failure

14 points | by theHolyTrynity 7 hours ago ago


  • ANarrativeApe 2 hours ago ago

    This happens way more often than you might think. Congratulations on surviving to tell the tale, and best of luck with your next venture. These lessons will stand you in good stead, provided you recognize that this is only one way to kill a startup. Trust me, there are oh so many more...

    (and product market fit is a necessary condition, but unfair advantage is where it is at)

  • carlosjobim an hour ago ago

    > The co-founder demanded 10x what we could afford and threatened to sue the investor.

    When this happens, you have to invert the offer and say that he can pay you that amount for you to leave instead.

  • noworriesnate 23 minutes ago ago

    What about just founding the next one alone? Will VCs still invest in that?

  • excellentWeb2 7 hours ago ago

    why was it so hard to find a deal with the cofounder?

    • theHolyTrynity 7 hours ago ago

      because he knew he either would get the buyout or the settlement money