• ChrisArchitect 7 hours ago ago
  • tivert 13 hours ago ago

    > But the slop tide threatens some of the key functions of the web, clogging search results with nonsense, overwhelming small institutions like Clarkesworld, and generally polluting the already fragile information ecosystem of the internet.

    Forget the hype. The real achievement of AI will be to destroy the internet, at least the Wikipedia-esqe mode of pseudonymous online collaboration producing serviceable and easily-accessible knowledge at a low price. Silicon Valley will destroy its most successful creation.

    If we're lucky, we'll return to reprise of a pre-1995 information ecosystem, run by very offline in-person contacts where personal reputation keeps the slop in check.

  • fuzzfactor 15 hours ago ago

    From what I understand it's just getting started and yet to pick up steam . . .

    • jaggs 14 hours ago ago

      Oh yes indeed. We ain't seen nothing yet.

  • haltingproblem 15 hours ago ago
  • hyperhello 15 hours ago ago

    There’s a certain number of people whose life consists of what is “more effort to skip than it is to do”. They’re easily led to possessions, beliefs, habits, occupations and diversions that others would find empty. Those people will buy Live Laugh Love hangings, eat American cheese slices, read Rod McKuen, watch Friends reruns and laugh out loud, frown at anything that sounds like thinking, and they will keep browsing the Web no matter how vapid the content, without an ad blocker.

    • jeisc 12 hours ago ago

      culture rises from the gutter not from the corporate board room

    • cranberryturkey 15 hours ago ago

      Eat American cheese?