Doom in the iPhone Photos App (Barely)


54 points | by colinprince 12 hours ago ago


  • teddyh 7 hours ago ago

    If I’m reading this right, this is yet another example of people claiming to run Doom somewhere, but is actually only displaying Doom, while Doom is running somewhere else, on another system.

    • userbinator 7 hours ago ago

      Essentially a "VNC client in iPhone Photos App"

  • forgotlastlogin 25 minutes ago ago

    So useless, so beautiful. Love stuff like this!

  • userbinator 8 hours ago ago

    They played fine on my laptop, but would not scan as gifs in iOS. It was a nightmare of a problem to debug - what are your search terms here?

    The GIF specification, GIFs that work and those that don't, and a hex editor.

    Given all the other impressive work in this article, I'm surprised that wasn't an easy problem for them to debug --- the latter seems almost trivial to me (find the differences) in contrast to the amount of creative thinking required to figure out how to run Doom in iPhone Photos.

  • quyleanh 4 hours ago ago

    A bit off topic but is there any good resources to get started and learn about iOS shortcuts?

  • drooopy 7 hours ago ago

    I thought that this was going to be another article talking about how apple really messed up the photos app this time around.

  • nyanpasu64 8 hours ago ago

    I recall many years ago I was able to extend a video by multiple minutes of a black screen, by extracting the timestamps (PTS?) of frames to a text file, then increasing the timestamp of the final frame (or end of video?) by a very large number. Sadly I'm unable to find the files or program I used to do it.

  • DaoVeles 6 hours ago ago

    This is boarder line a 'choose your own adventure' style thing. It is so stupid it had to be done!

    • qet 5 hours ago ago

      "border", not "boarder" Also it's "borderline" one word, not "border line". It's a compound word. A boarder is someone who boards at a boarding school. A border is an edge, a boundary.

  • 3 hours ago ago
  • captn3m0 6 hours ago ago

    Now I am left wondering if you can do interesting things in the with the WebDAV support, and quick previews.

  • 2 hours ago ago