Why I Write My Own Obituary Every Year


5 points | by bookofjoe 3 hours ago ago


  • jll29 3 hours ago ago

    I like reading (esp. Observer and Economist) and writing obituaries.

    When I was working for Reuters, I saw how they have draft obituaries ready for all living celebrities, which have to be constantly updated -- until folks actually pass away. The purpose is to be able to post obituaries within seconds after a person's death.

    At some point I designed an API for them to order people by the "update-worthiness" of their obitary drafts: using features like age, popularity, rate of change.

    It is a healthy practice not to ignore/block out death but to make it part of one's life; society forgot that in recent decades (e.g. we no longer keep the departed at home for relatives to get used to the fact that they are no longer alive, but still be able to look at them when mourning).

  • bookofjoe 3 hours ago ago