Kris Kristofferson has died


126 points | by coloneltcb 12 hours ago ago


  • aanet 6 hours ago ago

    Kris Kristofferson was one of my fav song-writers. For the longest time, I thought _Me and Bobby McGee_ was Janis Joplin's original song, until I learnt it was Kris' writing. He actually wrote it for a woman named Bobby... the rest is history. [1]

    A Golden Globe-winning actor, Golden Gloves boxer, Rhodes scholar, author, U.S. Army veteran, pilot, and onetime record-label janitor. A full fledged Renaissance man. They sure don't make 'em like that anymore.

    Whattay guy! RIP Kris. Thanks for all the enduring songs!!


    • rob74 29 minutes ago ago

      > He actually wrote it for a woman named Bobby...

      Bobby being short for... Roberta? But then again, after I recently saw female pop singer Taylor Swift watching male tennis player Taylor Fritz at the US Open, I realized that some American first names are just... flexible.

  • js2 5 hours ago ago

    Kristofferson standing up for Sinead O'Connor shortly after her SNL appearance:

    He later wrote a song for/about her:

    The guy was a mensch.

    • Modified3019 2 hours ago ago

      For those like me that didn’t know:

      >Mensch: Yiddish word for a person of integrity and honor.

      • Dilettante_ 28 minutes ago ago

        Literally a real human bean

  • dang 7 hours ago ago

    His pedigree as a Rhodes scholar always fascinated me. Not many of those land a helicopter on Johnny Cash's lawn.

    • wheels 3 hours ago ago

      It's true, but there are more well educated alternative country musicians than one might guess.

      Willie Nelson went to Baylor (but didn't finish) and Lyle Lovett has a degree in German literature from Texas A&M. Robert Earl Keen also graduated from A&M. Lucinda Williams's dad is a poet and literature professor. Emmylou Harris went to UNC and Boston University. Hell, even George Straight and Garth Brooks have degrees. That's not quite Rhodes Scholar, but perhaps not entirely expected?

    • jhbadger 6 hours ago ago

      He did a sketch on SNL back in the day making fun of his scholarly background, suggesting that he originally was going to title his famous song "Bobby McGee and I" before taking a course in "how to speak country".

    • thorin an hour ago ago

      Leonard Cohen was of course a highly educated writer and poet. Brian May is famously a doctor of astrophysics and still has an interest in research. I guess most musicians get laser focussed on it at a young age and don't have the need to study anything else.

  • acjohnson55 6 hours ago ago

    That dude didn't leave much on the table, in terms of life experiences. RIP.

  • toomuchtodo 11 hours ago ago
  • KingOfCoders 7 hours ago ago

    Convoy was the first film I've watched on VHS, which was magic, around ~1984.

  • zombiwoof 4 hours ago ago

    Convoy changed my life

  • 082349872349872 11 hours ago ago

    > Quack, quack! ... You ever see a duck couldn't swim? —MP