Godot Engine Blocking Users


5 points | by slowhadoken 3 hours ago ago


  • ClassyJacket 2 hours ago ago

    Just as I suspected before I looked, of course it's about someone refusing to capitulate to the "queer" (their words) cult. It's absolute, 100% allegiance to all their demands, all the time, or you're the enemy.

    • slowhadoken 2 hours ago ago

      I’ve got LGB friends and family and growing up in poverty taught me to genuinely appreciate non-race based DEI and an eclectic life. This corporate ESG wokie brand of community management is cancer. If my Moroccan female Muslim hijab wearing friend and her black American husband say it then a conversation starts, when I say it I’m shunned. It’s true either way and I’ll say it because I’m not playing for HN points.