Stop Using Generative AI for Hero Images


14 points | by leejo 3 hours ago ago


  • userbinator 2 hours ago ago

    More like Stop Using Hero Images

    ...especially ones that take several orders of magnitude more bandwidth than the article text itself.

    IMHO the fact that people are using AI for them shows how little value they already have, and it's just a dogmatic "best practice" (if you could even call it that) at this point.

  • bbor 3 hours ago ago

    Ahh, the anti-AI vitriol strikes again. I think it crops up because there’s such an overwhelming emotional undercurrent of futility, like how I feel when I consider capitalism; it seems like a natural reaction to scream back, to make yourself big and draw an emphatic line in the sand, to rage, rage against the dying of the light. IMO it’s an urge to be suppressed, but no one’s a flawless automaton, me especially!

    In this specific case it’s a little funny, just because the author is a photographer. Literally all of their criticisms (other than “it looks bad”, which is obviously both ephemeral and subjective) were leveled against photography about a century ago:

      “From that moment onwards, our loathsome society rushed, like Narcissus, to contemplate its trivial image on the metallic plate.  A form of lunacy, an extraordinary fanaticism took hold of these new sun-worshippers” (Baudelaire 1980, 86-87).  His biggest fear and source of bitterness was that photography was being accepted as art and “if photography is allowed to deputize for art in some of art’s activities, it will not be long before it has supplanted or corrupted art altogether, thanks to the stupidity of the masses, its natural ally”
    For one thing: Since when is people’s ability to hire service workers like photographers relevant to the worth of their writing? Isn’t wealth discrimination something to be minimized in scholarly pursuits?
    • leejo 2 hours ago ago

      > In this specific case it’s a little funny, just because the author is a photographer. Literally all of their criticisms (other than “it looks bad”, which is obviously both ephemeral and subjective) were leveled against photography mere decades ago

      Indeed, and if you read the post fully and watch the linked presentation you would understand I have no problem with generative AI nor LLMs. My 20 minute talk goes into much more detail about this. The history of photography is littered with examples of the criticisms that are being directed towards this space.

      Photography is built on manipulation, lies, half truths, misdirection, fake narrative to fit the use case, memory loss, and so on.

      The problem I have in this space is the lack of competence. Both in the tools and in those using them. "This looks fine", or "this reads fine", or "this works fine" is a race to the bottom.

      • bbor an hour ago ago

        Oh crud, I never check the usernames posting when I should. Thanks for the polite response to a somewhat aggressive comment!

        I will admit, I stopped reading at "bollocks" thinking the rest would be about your disfavored news sites, so that's 100% on me. Will try to check out your talk over dinner, your thoughts on photography here are certainly compelling.

        In general I think the problem here is "you're addicted to the internet to the extent that you're consuming content you don't even like" more than any particularity of 'hero images' (TIL!) or generative art, but that's very possibly a projection of my own struggles. At least I'm addicted to HackerNews and Reddit instead of finance news, I suppose...

    • timeon 2 hours ago ago

      This is not about AI. As author has hinted in the first paragraph hero images are annoying in general. AI just make it even easier to use them.