Sitina1 Open-Source Camera


69 points | by zdw 5 hours ago ago


  • MaximilianEmel an hour ago ago

    Video showing the making of it:

  • gaudat 3 hours ago ago

    The design is pretty modern. But what is with the choice of the Kodak CCD sensor? CCD cameras got a resurgence in Chinese communities with second-hand camera prices increased like tenfold.

    Also see Apertus Axiom where they also used the Zynq but used one hell of a CMOS sensor that can do 4K 300FPS.

    • SushiHippie an hour ago ago

      He explained it in this Video at 13:02

      > Why use CCD instead of CMOS?

      > Well let's say I started this project before the recent CCD camera hype so that's not the reason. Part of me just wanted to be special and fullframe CCD is kind of special.

  • dvh 2 hours ago ago

    Why is there so much vignetting?

  • bbbrbb an hour ago ago


  • cyberax an hour ago ago

    Love it. I really wish classical mirrorless camera makers would get their head out of their collective asses, and make a camera that is not stuck in the 80-s mentality.

    Give me a large sunlight-readable touchscreen, with multitouch. Also GPS, WiFi, Bluetooth, and 5G/LTE for connectivity and geotagging. Add automatic uploads to Google Photos, iPhoto, WebDAV, etc. Put in a small editor for on-device photo touchups.

    Also, ditch the old-timey film-camera look. I don't need 15 physical switches, most of which should be automatic anyway. A physical button for the shutter and an analog knob for fine tuning are fine, but I don't need a manual switch for AF/MF. Or a "shutter delay" selector that is too easy to accidentally bump.

    • progbits 24 minutes ago ago

      I'm not sure I want any of that in my camera. Maybe fast wifi for photo sync at home but still faster to plug in the cable/card.

      You know what I want and have? A sub half second power on time. Probably sub one second from turning on to first photo. I don't want any "smart" crap slowing that down.

      • cyberax a minute ago ago

        > I'm not sure I want any of that in my camera. Maybe fast wifi for photo sync at home but still faster to plug in the cable/card.

        Well, that's a reason why camera makers are struggling. You don't want these features, but a lot of people do. So they vote with their smartphones instead:

        > You know what I want and have? A sub half second power on time. Probably sub one second from turning on to first photo. I don't want any "smart" crap slowing that down.

        You can do that while still retaining smart features. For example, use a small OS to control the camera while the full OS boots up. Or use suspend-to-disk to speed up loading, with suspend-to-RAM for instant startup.

        This is a solvable problem.

    • quuxly an hour ago ago

      This is called a smartphone.

      • cyberax an hour ago ago

        Yes, exactly. But with a better sensor and optics.