Quandoom: A port of DOOM for a quantum computer


44 points | by lgtx 5 hours ago ago


  • leshokunin 2 hours ago ago

    "Please note - it will use about 5-6 GB of ram and take a while to load since it's a very large circuit file."

    I love it. So absurd. 200 years from now people will be running Doom on artificial black holes or programmable matter and the readmes will be pretty much the same.

  • theginger an hour ago ago

    I was all on board until I saw the video. Black and white! Has this been designed for a quantum gameboy? I don't think you can claim this to be truly useful until you've achieved 8 bit colour depth.

    • philjackson 10 minutes ago ago

      Quantum CGA will be mind-blowing.

  • jidar 2 hours ago ago

    I both have and have not beaten quandoom.

    • Dilettante_ an hour ago ago

      Pics or it is in a super-position of happened/didn't happen

  • bmacho 37 minutes ago ago

    What is all the "reversibility" the readme is talking about? How are non x-ray walls, reversibility and quantum connected?

    • sakras 17 minutes ago ago

      Basically, quantum gates are mathematically represented as multiplying your state by unitary matrices. Unitary matrices are ones where their inverse is their own conjugate transpose (i.e. XX*=I). Since each gate has an inverse, for any computation you can reverse it (in other words find a circuit that recovers the inputs from the outputs).

      In practice this means that you sometimes have to keep around extra bits called Ancilla bits that just contain garbage, but are necessary for reversibility.

    • aardvark179 18 minutes ago ago

      Generally all quantum computing operations have to be reversible at the gate level, so you can’t have a simple thing like an AND gate, and this can make things more complex. As you either need to put some out put to a qubit you don’t care about, or find some other way to handle it.

  • lenerdenator an hour ago ago

    If something opens up a portal to hell, it's gonna be this.

  • srbhr 5 hours ago ago

    I really like these doom ports. As if they've become a standard to learn, try something new and let others test it out. We had entirely AI generated DOOM and now DOOM for quantum computer. Maybe let's try a Doom in Go which is fully CLI? :-)

  • hi-v-rocknroll 2 hours ago ago

    I'm both glad and slightly disappointed it doesn't use aalib(-patched).[0]

    0. https://github.com/billagee/aalib-patched