Show HN: I made 1000 virtual billboards because why not?


4 points | by Tanzirul 8 hours ago ago


  • xtagon 3 hours ago ago

    Seems like a variation of but yearly instead of one-time payments. The Million Dollar Homepage had a sort of early-internet novelty vibe to it, but beyond that I don't get the practicality of this kind of thing. Okay so it's a billboard...who drives traffic to it? Who looks at the billboard other than once or twice to see if they want to rent their own space?

  • Tanzirul 8 hours ago ago

    Hey HN!

    So, I built a website with 1000 tiny grids. You can rent one for a year, add your image and link, and call it your internet real estate. Will it change your life? Probably not! But for the price of a coffee, you can claim your own square in this... uh... digital masterpiece.

    Let me know what you think!

  • srbhr 7 hours ago ago

    Interesting concept. How did you arrive at this idea?

    • Tanzirul 7 hours ago ago

      Thanks! I wanted to create a fun way for people to showcase their websites using a simple grid layout. It’s all about community!