• LarryMade2 4 hours ago ago

    Depends on who makes it and how its perceived. If it is something like an up-front ad banner that is shown on the fly - (Movie premieres in 7 days!) it works, if it is somewhere not visited often people may forget to check.

    I do event lists with the days in between listed... https://doplaces.com/events I make sure to list the day name as well as I think more about what day it is than the date.

    X days might be confusing if it's not live like an email or facebook post (which I regularly discover after the events)

  • dattiimo 13 hours ago ago

    I built this into https://minicalendar.app (my pet project to learn Blazor). You can also measure the number of days between two events or activities.

  • leonagano 20 hours ago ago

    Imho calendar apps shpuld have a way to visualise “how many days to events”.

    Currently, I need to calculate myself. I’m lazy I know, but why do I need to subtract event’s day - today rather than having countdowns ready on calendar apps/websites?

  • ta12653421 11 hours ago ago

    two similar questions:

    a) why is there no cancel-button (for wrong selection) on ANY elevator i have seen so far?

    b) when does Outlook parse automatically the proposed time from an email if i click "make an event out of this mail"-icon

    any ideas? :-))))

  • WheelsAtLarge 19 hours ago ago

    here's one: https://www.calendarr.com/united-states/

    Here's a scary thought, 95 days until Jan. 1.

    2024 is coming to an end really fast.

  • NetworkPerson 20 hours ago ago

    I’m not sure they need to show this specifically? I put an event on my calendar. Any point thereafter, “Hey Siri, how many days to event?” I don’t even need to open the app to get the answer.