• codegeek 6 hours ago ago

    Other than some of the resources mentioned already in comments, I highly recommend Alex Edwards books Lets Go and Lets go Further. Helped me a lot and still does when building Web Applications.




  • h4ck_th3_pl4n3t 5 hours ago ago


    Learn go with tests shows you the "go way" to do it, and introduces you to its integrated testing system while also teaching you go's language concepts.

    I highly recommend it, it's awesome and was definitely worth doing it even whennyou are an experienced go programmer already.

    The key to benefit from go's toolchain the most is to set your opinions aside. Once you do that, the toolchain will automate so many things for you that you will learn to like only a couple weeks later because it takes time for the conventions to sink in...

  • t-3 20 hours ago ago

    Read the spec: https://go.dev/ref/spec

    Check out the examples: https://gobyexample.com/

    Check the docs for anything else: https://go.dev/doc/

    • W-Stool 5 hours ago ago

      This was exactly what I was looking for. Thank you!

    • cpach 11 hours ago ago

      Skimming the spec is not a bad idea. It’s actually quite short.

  • cpach 11 hours ago ago

    There’s no Go book that I personally would recommend without hesitation.

    Instead, I would suggest that you try to find a bunch of blog posts and lectures and read/watch them in order to get a feeling of the Go philosophy. The official Go blog has some good articles and otherwise I recommend to have a look at what Rob Pike and Russ Cox has written/presented.

    Then I believe that as soon as possible it’s a good idea to start some toy project so that you can dive in.

    I’m afraid I don’t have too many links to share. This might be a good starting point: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7VcArS4Wpqk

    Here’s a meta-resource that could be useful: https://github.com/avelino/awesome-go (see the Resources section at the end of the ToC).

    Best of luck!

  • blinded 21 hours ago ago

    When I was first learning I liked this video series.


    Also checkout this repo for helpful links: https://awesome-go.com/free-e-books/

  • daviddever23box 21 hours ago ago

    If you haven't used a more current programming language in terms of tooling, you may be in for a shock: package management, concurrency, formatting and linting are all sorted, with decent support in Visual Studio Code. I'd honestly look at these things first so that you can right-size individual modules, etc.

  • gaws 4 hours ago ago

    > After 40+ years of writing C I'm going to learn Go.

    Why make the switch now?

    • erik_seaberg an hour ago ago

      Any garbage collected language avoids a lot of disastrous undefined behavior.

  • inquisitor27552 15 hours ago ago

    40 yrs jeez.

    question sir, why not rust or typescript or python? what makes you want golang?

    • uaas 15 hours ago ago

      One can only learn these languages after 40 years, or what is your actual point?

      • inquisitor27552 2 hours ago ago

        guy has 40 yrs experience

        in his 40yr career im asking what makes him want golang over rust ts and python, maybe he sees something that my 10yo xp ass dont which can make me want to try golang

        the downvotes are funny, are people here really anal about their age lol