Recreating Dune II for the Amiga


61 points | by binarycrusader 2 days ago ago


  • Lerc 3 hours ago ago

    Having played Dune II all the way through on PC and tried it on the Amiga, The Amiga version was a poor substitute. While there may have been holy wars back in the day about which machines were better, it really did come down to how much effort was put into each incarnation of a game. The real testament to this is the things that people have been able to do in recent years with modern support tooling taking on some of the load of the effort required. Grind on a stock Amiga 500 is amazing

    It's nice to see Dune II being rejuvenated into what it always could have been.

  • teddyh 5 hours ago ago

    I hate squashed screenshots. Does everyone forget that screens used to be 4:3? Does nobody notice the squashed oval shapes of planets (and other circles)?

    • rzzzt 4 hours ago ago

      It's the non-square pixel size that throws off screenshots, pillarboxing should account for the differences between 16:9 and 4:3. 320×200 resolution was "4.8:3" squished to a 4:3 display, so pixels should be slimmer in the horizontal direction.

  • rightbyte 6 hours ago ago

    I haven't thought about it until reading this article. The collecting of random "tiberium", "ore", etc laying around, actually makes sense in the context of Dune. Not so much in Red Alert etc.

    • easeout 11 minutes ago ago

      Inheriting Dune's gameplay required inventing another valuable substance in a new setting. They didn't come right out and say he who controls the tiberium controls the universe, but…

    • kiwidrew 3 hours ago ago

      The game engines for C&C and Red Alert are full of Dune II references; as just one example, the factions (GDI/Nod or Allies/Soviets) are still called "houses" in the internal configuration files of C&C/RA.

      C&C is pretty much what you get when you want to produce a sequel to Dune II but can't (or don't want to) license the Dune I.P. again so everything has to be re-skinned...

    • 7bit 3 hours ago ago

      Tiberium is C&C 1. Red Alert does not have Tiberium, but ores and gems. And ores can be found on the superficial layer of the earth, so it is not that much of a stretch. Although from a game design perspective, it is greatly simplified.

  • gman83 5 hours ago ago

    One of the first games I played after I got a sound card for my PC. I sunk so many hours into this game. Music was great:

  • wkat4242 5 hours ago ago

    I always liked dune 1 a lot better. The gameplay wasn't as RTS but there was a storyline mixed in (following the book which I was not familiar with). It made it a really cool experience.

    Dune 2 was definitely the better RTS though

  • hi-v-rocknroll 6 hours ago ago

    Software also went the other way from Amiga to PC thanks to Brent Iverson, as with EA's DeluxePaint II Enhanced & III and DeluxePaint Animation. Many gaming titles used the former (Amiga? PC?) to create their graphics.

    TIL: EHB, the "VGA Mode X" for Amiga.

  • electrosphere 4 hours ago ago

    Woah, I would have loved a A1200 version back in 1993.

    I loved this game, and remember having to swap several discs to play it before I eventually bought a HDD (a whopping 545Mb beast).

    It was only recently that I saw the DOS intro on YouTube and realised the Amiga had been short-changed.

  • tonijn 6 hours ago ago

    Simply incredible that projects like this exist