

30 points | by ipmb 3 days ago ago


  • falcor84 2 days ago ago

    This is unironically amazing. I love Flask for small projects, but setting it up to work with a database (using sqlalchemy and anything else I tried) is a lot more work than it is with Django's batteries-included approach. This nanodjango really seems to be the best of both worlds, and this utility command to then convert it to a full Django app (if it works as advertised), is the icing on the cake [0]:

        nanodjango convert /path/to/site --name=myproject
  • stuaxo 2 days ago ago

    Has anyone got Django working in the browser with local emscripten and ideally in browser postgres?

    • gkhartman 2 days ago ago

      What would be the use case for something like this?